Institute of Engineering and Transport |
Course Title: Introductory Certificate in Engineering |
Course Code: MV1-01-21 |
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Mode: – |
This programme provides an opportunity to prospective learners to explore basic principles and applications related to Engineering. The course will assist learners in developing technical skills. The vocational units are designed to provide learners with tool handling techniques, which would include soldering, material cutting and shaping, and assembly of electrical, electronic and mechanical components. Learners will have the opportunity to build simple projects which would be functional and useful. They are also given the opportunity to enhance their key skills – English, Maltese, Mathematics, Science and Individual and Social Responsibility – through the vocational content. These key skills subjects are mostly embedded into each vocational area, thus promoting the practical aspect of these subjects. |
Dan il-programm jipprovdi lill-istudenti prospettivi l-opportunità li jesploraw prinċipji u applikazzjonijiet bażiċi relatati mal-Inġinerija. Il-kors jgħin lill-istudenti biex jiżviluppaw ħiliet tekniċi. L-unitajiet vokazzjonali huma mfassla biex jipprovdu lill-istudenti t-teknika ta’ kif wieħed għandu jżomm l-għodda biex jistanja, jaqta’ u jifforma materjali, u jgħaqqad komponenti elettriċi, elettroniċi u mekkaniċi. L-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità li jibnu proġetti sempliċi li jkunu funzjonali u utli. Huma jingħataw ukoll l-opportunità li jsaħħu l-ħiliet ewlenin tagħhom fl-Ingliż, il-Malti, il-Matematika, ix-Xjenza u r-Responsabbiltà Individwali u Soċjali, permezz tal-kontenut vokazzjonali. Dawn is-suġġetti tal-ħiliet ewlenin huma ġeneralment inkorporati f’kull qasam vokazzjonali, u għaldaqstant jippromwovu dan l-aspett prattiku ta’ dawn is-suġġetti. |
MQF Level: 1 |
Duration: 1 Year Full-time |
Entry requirements: Finished compulsory education Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable) |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: – |
Programme details: |
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