Institute of Engineering and Transport |
Course Title: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronics Engineering |
Course Code: EE6-07-21 |
ECTS: 240 ECTS |
Course details |
Mode: Includes Internship |
The aim of this degree programme is to develop learners into qualified engineers who are both academically prepared and practically trained to satisfy the requirements of the local electronics industry. Moreover, these graduates will be suitably prepared to embark on professional careers or further their studies abroad. Electronics is still a highly relevant and attractive technological field that has evolved at a rapid rate. This interdisciplinary field is practically used in every aspect of modern life as exemplified by the advances in computers and communications. The course will bring learners in contact with the modern technologies and gives an in-depth mix of knowledge and skills. |
L-għan ta’ dan il-programm, li jwassal għal baċellerat, huwa li jiżviluppa lill-istudenti f’inġiniera kwalifikati, li jitħejjew b’mod akkademiku kif ukoll jitħarrġu b’mod prattiku, biex jissodisfaw ir-rekwiżiti tal-industrija lokali tal-elettronika. Barra minn hekk, dawk li jiggradwaw minn dan il-kors jitħejjew b’mod xieraq biex jibdew karrieri professjonali jew ikomplu bl-istudji tagħhom barra minn Malta. L-elettronika għadha qasam teknoloġiku rilevanti u attraenti ħafna li evolva b’rata mgħaġġla. Dan il-qasam interdixxiplinari jintuża prattikament f’kull aspett tal-ħajja moderna, kif juru l-avvanzi fil-kompjuters u l-komunikazzjoni. Il-kors ipoġġi lill-istudenti f’kuntatt mat-teknoloġiji moderni u jipprovdi taħlita profonda ta’ għarfien u ħiliet. |
MQF Level: 6 |
Duration: 4 Years Full-time |
Entry requirements: MCAST Advanced Diploma in Industrial Electronics (with an overall mark of 60% or higher) or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Electrical Systems (with an overall mark of 60% or higher) or MCAST Undergraduate Diploma in Foundations of Engineering or 2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes Compulsory A-Levels: Physics and Mathematics (Pure or Applied) Applicants need to obtain an average Grade C across their A-Levels in Mathematics and Physics (such as Grades C, C; Grades B, D; Grades A, E) |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: Design engineer, Electronics engineer, Electrical engineer |
Programme details: |
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