Institute of Community Services |
Course Title: Introductory Certificate in Hairdressing |
Course Code: CS1-02-21 |
Course details |
Mode: – |
This programme of studies introduces the learner to hairdressing modules. This programme will cover the different types of equipment and products typically found in hairdressing salons, customer care services, communication skills, professional attitudes, window-dressing, personal appearance and care. The study units incorporate basic theoretical aspects of hairdressing as well as practical sessions. Learners are also given the opportunity to strengthen their key skills subjects which are delivered in a way that helps render the vocational units more relevant to the learners. Learners are required to purchase the necessary hairdressing and beauty accessories at the beginning of the academic year. |
Dan il-programm ta’ studju jintroduċi lill-istudenti għal modules fil-hairdressing. Il-kors ikopri t-tipi differenti ta’ tagħmir u prodotti li normalment insibu f’salons tal-hairdressing, is-servizzi tal-kura tal-klijenti, il-ħiliet ta’ komunikazzjoni, l-attitudnijiet personali, l-arranġament tal-vetrini tas-salon, id-dehra u l-iġjene personali. L-unitajiet ta’ studju jinkorporaw aspetti teoretiċi tal-hairdressing, kif ukoll sessjonijiet prattiċi.L-istudenti jingħataw ukoll l-opportunità li jsaħħu l-ħiliet ewlenin tagħhom li huma mogħtija b’mod li jgħin biex l-unitajiet vokazzjonali jsiru aktar rilevanti għall-istudenti. L-istudenti huma mitluba jixtru l-aċċessorji meħtieġa tax-xagħar u tas-sbuħija fil-bidu tas-sena akkademika. |
MQF Level: 1 |
Duration: 1 Year Full-time |
Entry requirements: Finished Compulsory Education Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable) |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: – |
Programme details: |
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