Institute of Applied Sciences |
Course Title: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science and Sustainable Technologies |
Course Code: AS6-02-21 |
ECTS: 180 ECTS |
Course details |
Mode: Internship |
The protection of natural resources, CO2 emissions, climate change and its effects, and demographic changes, are increasingly important topics in the local and international context. The programme merges classical engineering with natural sciences. Environmental Engineering Sciences and Sustainable Technologies deal with engineering solutions for environmentally relevant challenges of our future. This course provides learners with the ability to use problem-solving approaches for dealing with ecological and technical challenges, in order to creatively arrive at a situation of resource sustainability. The course is a challenging, technically-oriented programme that offers learners a broad range of fields of application. Graduates can be active in the planning, construction and operation of environmental technological facilities, in research and teaching, environmental organisations, administration, and consultancy businesses of their own. |
Il-protezzjoni tar-riżorsi naturali, l-emissjonijiet tas-CO2, it-tibdil fil-klima u l-effetti tiegħu, u t-tibdil demografiku, huma suġġetti li qed isiru dejjem aktar importanti fil-kuntest lokali u internazzjonali. Il-programm jgħaqqad l-inġinerija klassika max-xjenzi naturali. Dan il-kors jittratta soluzzjonijiet tal-inġinerija għal sfidi ambjentali li se niffaċċjaw fil-futur u jwassal biex l-istudenti jkunu kapaċi jsibu soluzzjonijiet li jindirizzaw sfidi ekologiċi u tekniċi bil-għan li tintlaħaq sitwazzjoni ta’ sostenibbiltà tar-riżorsi. Il-kors huwa programm impenjattiv, orjentat lejn it-teknoloġija u joffri lill-istudenti firxa wiesgħa ta’ oqsma ta’ applikazzjoni. Il-gradwati jkunu jistgħu jaħdmu fl-ippjanar, fil-kostruzzjoni u fit-tħaddim ta’ faċilitajiet teknoloġiċi ambjentali, fir-riċerka u t-tagħlim, f’organizzazzjonijiet ambjentali, fl-amministrazzjoni u f’negozji ta’ konsulenza tagħhom stess. |
MQF Level: 6 |
Duration: 3 Years Full-time |
Entry requirements: MCAST Advanced Diploma in Environmental Sustainability or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Applied Science or 2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes Compulsory: one from the following list of subjects at either I- or A-Level – Physics or Mathematics (Pure or Applied) or Biology or Chemistry or Geography or Environmental Studies |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: Water project manager, Alternative energy manager, Environmental sales personnel, Environmental regulator, Environmental officer, Environmental site manager |
Programme details: |
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