Institute of Applied Sciences |
Course Title: Diploma in Applied Science |
Course Code: AS3-01-21 |
Course details |
Mode: May include the possibility of Work-Based Learning |
This programme of study provides a strong grounding in fundamental science and technology principles, as well as an initial exposure to vocational science subjects related to health, environment, food and engineering industries. The learner will be able to understand the fundamental principles and laws of science, and how these are applied within the industrial sector. The learner will also be able to understand the science of different materials, and gain an awareness of the principles behind certain technologies. |
Dan il-programm ta’ studju jipprovdi bażi b’saħħitha għall-prinċipji fundamentali tax-xjenza u t-teknoloġija, kif ukoll introduzzjoni għal suġġetti tax-xjenza vokazzjonali relatati mal-industriji tas-saħħa, l-ambjent, l-ikel u l-inġinerija. L-istudent ikun jista’ jifhem il-prinċipji fundamentali u l-liġijiet tax-xjenza, u kif dawn huma applikati fis-settur industrijali. L-istudent ikun jista’ jifhem ukoll ix-xjenza ta’ materjali differenti, u jikseb għarfien dwar il-prinċipji wara ċerti teknoloġiji. |
MQF Level: 3 |
Duration: 1 Year Full-time |
Entry requirements: MCAST Foundation Certificate or 2 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes from the following subjects: English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Design and Technology, Health and Social Care |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: – |
Programme details: |
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