Institute for the Creative Arts |
Course Title: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Media Production |
Course Code: CA6-01-22 |
ECTS: 180 ECTS |
Course details |
Mode: Live Cases |
This degree programme is intended to give learners the opportunity to work hands-on in creative environments and produce audio-visual content for both artistic and commercial practices. The course emphasizes content generation for the creative media and entertainment industries. Learners will be initially introduced to key technical, conceptual, and critical aspects of media production. They will learn about the overarching principles and practices that underpin a professional creative media production. This course will give young professionals all the necessary tools and techniques to develop ideas for screen-based content. Learners will then be introduced to four main disciplines: Film; Documentary; TV and Digital Video, and then choose one discipline to specialise in it. This course will give young professionals the opportunity to produce a fully fletched creative media production in one of the chosen disciplines. |
Dan il-programm fil-livell ta’ baċellerat huwa maħsub biex jagħti lill-istudenti l-opportunità li jaħdmu b’mod prattiku f’ambjenti kreattivi ħalli jipproduċu kontenut awdjoviżiv għal prattiċi artistiċi kif ukoll kummerċjali.Il-kors jiffoka fuq il-ħolqien talkontenut għall-midja kreattiva u l-industrija tad-divertiment. L-istudenti jiġu introdotti għallaspetti tekniċi, kunċettwali u kritiċi ewlenin talproduzzjoni tal-midja. Huma se jitgħallmu dwar il-prinċipji u l-prattika ġenerali li jsaħħu produzzjoni professjonali tal-midja kreattiva. Dan il-kors se jagħti lill-professjonisti żgħażagħ l-għodod u t-teknika kollha meħtieġa biex jiżviluppaw ideat għallkontenut fuq l-iskrin. L-istudenti mbagħad jiġu introdotti għal erba’ dixxiplini ewlenin: Film; Dokumentarju; TV u Vidjo Diġitali, u wara jagħżlu dixxiplina waħda biex jispeċjalizzaw fiha. Dan il-kors se jagħti lill-professjonisti żgħażagħ l-opportunità li jipproduċu produzzjoni tal-midja kreattiva f’waħda mid-dixxiplini magħżula u jippreżentawha bħala produzzjoni ewlenija għat-teżi. |
MQF Level: 6 |
Duration: 3 Years Full-time |
Entry requirements: MCAST Advanced Diploma in Creative Media Production* or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Digital Design or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Photography or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Art and Design or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Video Production or 2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes Preferred A-Levels: Art, Computing, English, Maltese, Music, and Theatre & Performance *Students progressing from the MCAST Advanced Diploma in Creative Media Production will be given preference in cases where the number of applicants exceeds the number of available places. |
Other entry requirements: Applicants may be asked to sit for an Interview and/or present their Portfolio. |
Career opportunities: TV editorial assistant, Film content producer, TV content producer, Film production runner, Film and TV technical operator |
Programme details: |
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