ARIC organises Ethics and Integrity Workshops

February 1, 2024 Communications

The Applied Research and Innovation Centre (ARIC) launched a series of workshops entitled “Research Ethics and Integrity” with the participation of five international experts from Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic and from the UK. The workshops from 29 January to 1 February tackle aspects of research ethics and integrity within the broader contexts of academic ethics and responsible conduct of research. This initiative is another opportunity for MCAST to continue strengthening its network and expertise as an international hub of excellence in research and innovation.

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The expert delegation comprises representatives from MENDELU (Czechia): Prof. Sona Hermanova, Vice-Rector of Research, Development, and Innovation; Prof. Milada Stastna, Head of the Department of Applied and Landscape Ecology; Prof. Hana Stredova, Vice-Dean of HR at the, Faculty of AgriSciences; Prof. Eva Mrkvicova from the Department of Animal Nutrition and Forage Production, Faculty of AgriSciences and adviser Mr John Shaddock from the UK.

Throughout the workshop, participants tackled several discussion areas, including the ethical challenges and dilemmas that often arise in the research process. The workshop also introduced participants to established frameworks for evaluating and addressing ethical issues that may emerge during the research lifecycle.

Assessing the ethical dimensions of research is a multifaceted process, and this exchange aims to guide participants through evaluating research ethics and recognising potential challenges. From ensuring informed consent to addressing conflicts of interest, participants will gain practical insights into managing ethical complexities.

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This initiative further strengthens the partnership between MCAST’s ARIC and MENDELU. ARIC is dedicated to supporting MCAST researchers in maintaining the utmost research ethics and integrity throughout their academic and research endeavours. Throughout this enriching workshop week, participants can exchange knowledge and experiences, engage in discussions about ethical challenges, and benefit from valuable insights and perspectives from renowned international experts.

Moreover, this initiative will foster closer ties with MENDELU and bolster MCAST’s research and development platform. This platform is pivotal in propelling our research and innovation efforts forward. It functions as a central hub and repository for international cooperation and internship prospects for our researchers and students, fostering an environment where knowledge exchange, skill enhancement, and network expansion contribute to their professional development.

The workshop “Research Ethics and Integrity” is financed by the International Partnership Awards Scheme Plus (IPAS+) 2023 of the Malta Council for Science and Technology (GA: IPAS-2023-053).