Qualitative Research Conference held at MCAST

December 7, 2023 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) held the 2nd edition of the Qualitative Research Conference on campus in Paola between the 4 and the 7 December 2023.

With the theme, ‘Engaging Innovative Knowledge through Applied Qualitative Research’ the research conference focused on qualitative and mixed-methods research, and on the application of this research to solve real-world problems in Malta.

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Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Research and Innovation, Keith Azzopardi Tanti said “This Qualitative Research Conference is important as it focuses on the innovative application of qualitative and mixed research methodologies to address real-world challenges within the context of Malta” He also added that “Only last month, MCAST and MCST signed an MoU to enhance the collaboration between the two entities”.

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Principal and CEO Professor Joachim James Calleja said, “In an education environment in which the role of workplaces and technology is increasing, it is paramount that at MCAST research is applied with positive tangible impacts on the labour market and the quality of life of all citizens”.

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Deputy Principal Dr Tatjana Chircop said, “This conference serves as an opportunity to unite academics, researchers, and practitioners from diverse backgrounds, each contributing their unique perspectives and experiences. This conference gives us the opportunity not only to showcase some of the current research at the college but also gives us the opportunity to cross-fertilise ideas, to make the most out of the diverse sectors we come from, and discuss qualitative methodologies and analytical tools.”

The conference aimed to introduce novelty in methodology implementation when conducting qualitative research, and the practical application of applied research within industry and society.

MCAST academics, industry partners, international academics, and students participated in the event and presented research projects.

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International guest speakers including Professor Karin Hannes from KU Leuven University in Belgium, Professor Shane P. Desselle from Touro University in California, and Dr Stefan Rädiker, a highly regarded consultant and trainer specialising in MAXQDA software, attended the research conference at MCAST.

Over 35 research presentations by respective authors were categorized into three significant themes namely, ‘education’, ‘methodology’, ‘enterprise and industry’. Throughout the conference, 18 research poster presentations were displayed, showcasing innovative qualitative research endeavors.

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During the research conference, a specialized doctoral day dedicated to both active and aspiring MCAST Doctoral Candidates was held. A number of sessions were organised focused on diverse research themes. Moreover, international guest keynote speakers, College industry partners, MCAST academics, and aspiring doctoral students participated in a panel discussion aimed at exploring critical research projects for future doctoral degrees.