MCAST students had the opportunity to meet a number of experienced professionals working in the field of substances to discuss in small groups and acquire first-hand information and clarify any misconceptions on the topic. This event was organized ahead of the launch of the MCAST Mind Altering Substance Policy and procedures Students were informed with the latest information on mind altering substances particularly in the light of the new legislation on the responsible use of cannabis. Students would also be informed on where and how to seek the required support when needed. KSM – Kunsill Studenti MCAST and Aġenzija Żgħażagħ Youth Workers carried a survey on mind altering substances. Over 250 students participated in the survey and results were presented during the seminar.
Using the world café format, guest speakers who included a psychiatrist, a medical doctor, a Drug Squad Officer, a lawyer, a representative of the Authority for the Responsible Use of Cannabis, Social Workers, Students, Youth Workers and a Caritas Representative went round the tables to discuss with students the topic from their own perspective. The seminar was organised by the Outreach Services and Student Affairs Department together with KSM and Agenzija Zghazagh youth workers.
Throughout the academic year the Student Services Department organizes a number of activities as part of the non- formal learning which include testimonials for students by an ex. Drug user who will be following the Caritas Rehabilitation programme and Sedqa exhibitions on the use of substances which are regularly set up with interactive games/activities as part of the outreach events on the subject. One to one sessions are also offered for students who would like to seek personal support on drug use. These activities are held at the different institutes including the Gozo Campus. Furthermore, students can benefit from therapy sessions offered at the Wellbeing Hub.