Apostolic Nuncio visits and celebrates mass at MCAST

March 30, 2023 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) welcomed his Excellency the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai SDB, at its Paola campus. The theme chosen for this visit was ‘One family – Nurturing a community’.


The Nuncio was welcomed by MCAST Principal and CEO Professor Joachim James Calleja, the Chaplaincy team led by Chaplain Fr Antoine Farrugia SDB, the Staff Social Committee and the Kunsill Studenti MCAST (KSM).


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During his visit, the Nuncio visited various Institutes, met with staff, and congratulated students wishing them the best of success in their studies. During his visit to the Institute of Engineering and Transport (IET), the Nuncio blessed a chalice crafted for the occasion in the woodwork and metal workshops by the Institute’s staff.

chaliceDSC_6839Professor Calleja explained how at MCAST, “we must establish a community of communication. It takes an effort to bring people and their skills together. We saw how our people came together with shared values on this occasion. Above all, we are here for the students and want to ensure strong educational formation while they are here at the College.”


With MCAST representatives, the Nuncio also visited the College’s Business Career Expo, currently being held. He also visited the Institute of Community Services.



A dialogue event was held, including speakers representing College students and staff. “The dialogue provided an opportunity for participants to discuss and reflect on the identity of the College, including challenges faced by the students and staff”, explained the Chaplain.


His Excellency the Archbishop said, “As Don Bosco’s words remind us, education is a matter of the heart. The welcoming, family atmosphere at MCAST touched me. I commend the College for its inclusive and empowering approach, which places learners at the centre of all its work.”


During the dialogue, various issues were discussed, including the role of media and technology in our lives, the empowerment of women, work-life balance, and the importance of listening to the needs of students. Furthermore, diversity and equality were highlighted as the College welcomes students from over 85 countries within its community.


MCAST students and staff had the opportunity to attend the Holy Mass on the occasion of Our Lady of Sorrows, celebrated by the Nuncio. The MCAST choir animated the liturgy.

The visit ended with a moment of prayer at the Chapel. The Nuncio’s visit served as a reflection during lent and the Catholic Church’s role in the modern world.