- Advanced Diploma in Welding and Fabrication
- Advanced Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance (Aeroplanes – Turbine Engines)
- Advanced Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance (Avionics)
- Diploma in Aircraft Systems Maintenance
- Diploma in Welding and Fabrication
- Award in Basic Aviation Maintenance
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Work
- Master of Science in Veterinary Medicine
- Advanced Diploma for Pharmacy Technicians
- Foundation Certificate in Engineering
- Introductory Certificate in Construction Engineering
- Advanced Diploma in Social Care
- Advanced Diploma in Children’s Care, Learning and Development
- Diploma in Hairdressing
- Diploma in Social Care
- Advanced Diploma in Accounting
- Advanced Diploma in Finance and Insurance
- Advanced Diploma in Health Sciences
- Diploma in Business
- Advanced Diploma in Sport (Development, Coaching and Fitness)
- Advanced Diploma in Children’s Care, Learning and Development
- Advanced Diploma in Beauty and Complementary Therapies
- Advanced Diploma in Social Care
- Extended Diploma in Foundation Studies for Security, Enforcement and Protection
- Diploma in Early Years
- Diploma in Social Care
- Diploma in Sport
- Diploma for Beauty Specialists
- Diploma in Hairdressing
- Advanced Diploma in Art and Design
- Advanced Diploma in Video Production
- Advanced Diploma in Photography
- Advanced Diploma in Graphic Printing
- Advanced Diploma in Digital Design
- Advanced Diploma in Performing Arts
- Advanced Diploma in Fashion and Retail
- Advanced Diploma in Cultural Heritage Skills
- Diploma in Art and Design
- Diploma in Performing Arts
- Diploma in Media
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Procurement and Finance
- Advanced Diploma in Accounting
- Advanced Diploma in Marketing
- Advanced Diploma in Business Administration
- Advanced Diploma in Finance and Insurance
- Foundation Certificate in Business
- Diploma in Business
- Advanced Diploma in Health Sciences
- Advanced Diploma in Applied Science
- Advanced Diploma in Environmental Sustainability
- Diploma in Applied Science
- Foundation Certificate in Horticulture and Animal Care
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronics and Control Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronics Engineering
- Advanced Diploma in Joinery, Furniture Design and Manufacturing
- Advanced Diploma in Hairdressing
- Introductory Certificate in Community Care Services
- Advanced Diploma for Pharmacy Technicians
- Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Technology
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering (Plant)
- Advanced Diploma in Operations and Maintenance
- Advanced Diploma in Manufacturing
- Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
- Extended Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
- Undergraduate Diploma in Foundations of Engineering
- Advanced Diploma in Electrical Systems
- Advanced Diploma in Robotics, Drone Technology, Automation and Artificial Intelligence
- Advanced Diploma in Industrial Electronics with specialisation options in: - Computer Technology - Biomedical Technology - Telecommunications Technology - Control Technology - Electrical Power Technology - Domestic Installations or - Electronic Circuit Manufacturing
- Extended Diploma in Engineering (Electronics)
- Extended Diploma in Electrical Installations
- Diploma in Electrical Installations
- Diploma in Engineering (Electronics)
- Advanced Diploma in Deck Operations (also leading to OIC Navigational Watch)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Marine Engineering
- Advanced Diploma in Marine Engineering
- Chief Mate
- Diploma in Deck Operations
- Master of Science in High Performance Buildings
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) Civil and Structural Engineering
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Quantity Surveying
- Undergraduate Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety
- Undergraduate Diploma in Foundations of Engineering (Construction)
- Advanced Diploma in Construction Engineering – Quantity Surveying
- Advanced Diploma in Construction Engineering - Civil Engineering
- Advanced Diploma in Construction Engineering - Land Surveying
- Advanced Diploma in Masonry Heritage Skills (Mastru)
- Advanced Diploma in Construction Engineering with specialisation options in: Civil Engineering, Land Surveying, Quantity Surveying, Construction Engineering
- Extended Diploma in Masonry Heritage Skills
- Extended Diploma in Construction Engineering
- Diploma in Construction Engineering
- Diploma in Masonry Heritage Skills (Sewwej)
- Extended Diploma in Welding and Fabrication
- Extended Diploma in Joinery and Furniture Making
- Advanced Diploma in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
- Diploma in Joinery and Furniture Making
- Extended Diploma in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
- Diploma in Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning
- Advanced Diploma in Aviation, Flight and Cabin Operations
- Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering
- Diploma in Aviation, Flight and Cabin Operations
- Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance (incorporating EASA Part-66 Category A Basic Course)
- Diploma in Aircraft Structures and Repairs
- Advanced Diploma in Transportation, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Higher Diploma in Transportation, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Advanced Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance
- Undergraduate Diploma in Auto Electronic and Electrical Technology
- Extended Diploma in Automotive Repair (Body and Paint)
- Extended Diploma in Light Vehicle Servicing
- Foundation Certificate in Construction Engineering
- Diploma in Automotive Repair (Body and Paint)
- Diploma in Light Vehicle Servicing
- Introductory Certificate in Trade Skills
- Master of Science in Computing and Emerging Technologies
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Digital Games Development
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Software Development
- Advanced Diploma in IT (Software Development)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Systems and Networks
- Advanced Diploma in IT (iGaming)
- Advanced Diploma in IT (Multimedia Software Development)
- ALP+ Extended Diploma in ICT
- Advanced Diploma in IT (Computer Systems and Networks)
- Diploma in ICT
- Diploma in iGaming
- Foundation Certificate in ICT
- Introductory Certificate in ICT
- Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Personal, Social and Career Development)
- Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Mathematics)
- Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Science)
- Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Maltese)
- Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (English)
- Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Sports)
- Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Design)
- Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Arts)
- Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Agribusiness)
- Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Hairdressing and Beauty)
- Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Environmental Technology)
- Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Hospitality)
- Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Chemical Technology)
- Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Media)
- Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Engineering and Transport)
- Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Information and Communication Technology)
- Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Business, Management and Commerce)
- Master in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Health and Social Care)
- Master of Science in Exercise and Sports Science
- Master in Social Care Practice
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Early Years
- Bachelor of Vocational Education and Training 4.0 (Honours)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Inclusive Education
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Care Management
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sport, Exercise and Health
- ALP+ Extended Diploma in Foundation Studies for Security, Enforcement and Protection
- ALP+ Extended Diploma in Social Care
- ALP+ Extended Diploma in Beauty Specialists
- ALP+ Extended Diploma in Sport
- ALP+ Extended Diploma in Hairdressing – Women
- Foundation Certificate in Community Care Services
- Foundation Certificate in Hairdressing, Beauty and Well-Being
- Foundation Certificate in Sport
- Introductory Certificate in Hairdressing
- Master of Arts in Creative Media and Enterprise
- Master in Conservation
- Master of Arts in Product Design
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Performing Arts
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Spatial Design
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Animation
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Photography
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Product Design
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Graphic Design
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Interactive Digital Media
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Fine Art
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Game Art
- Bachelor in Conservation (Honours)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Media Production
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Fashion
- ALP+ Extended Diploma in Media
- ALP+ Extended Diploma in Art and Design
- ALP+ Extended Diploma in Performing Arts
- Introductory Certificate in the Creative Arts
- Foundation Certificate in the Creative Arts
- ACCA Qualification
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Financial Services
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Enterprise
- ALP+ Extended Diploma in Business
- Introductory Certificate in Business
- Master of Science in Environmental Resource Management
- Master of Science in Urban Environmental Science Management
- Master of Science in Applied Environmental Science (General)
- Master of Science in Environmental and Water Resource Management
- Master of Science in Advanced Clinical Practice
- Master of Science in Professional Health Practice
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Health
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Health Sciences (Physiological Measurements)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Chemical Technology
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science and Sustainable Technologies
- Advanced Diploma for Dental Surgery Assistants
- Advanced Diploma in Food Technology
- Introductory Certificate in Applied Science
- Foundation Certificate in Applied Science
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Horticulture
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Fisheries and Aquaculture
- Advanced Diploma in Horticulture
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Animal Management and Veterinary Nursing
- Advanced Diploma in Animal Management and Veterinary Nursing
- Advanced Diploma in Fish Management
- Diploma in Horticulture
- ALP+ Extended Diploma in Horticulture
- ALP+ Extended Diploma in Fish Husbandry
- ALP+ Extended Diploma in Animal Care
- Diploma in Animal Care
- Diploma in Fish Husbandry
- Introductory Certificate in Animal Husbandry and Horticultural Skills
- Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
- Award in Vocational Skills (Introductory Level A)
- Award in Vocational Skills (Introductory Level B)
- Advanced Diploma in IT (Multimedia Software Development)
- Advanced Diploma in IT (Software Development)
- Advanced Diploma in IT (iGaming)
- Diploma in ICT
- Advanced Diploma in IT (Computer Systems and Networks)
- Foundation Certificate in Engineering Skills
- Foundation Certificate in ICT
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Early Years
- Diploma in Electrical Installations
- Advanced Diploma in Electrical Systems
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Inclusive Education
- Foundation Certificate in Community Care Services
- ACCA Qualification
- Foundation Certificate in Hairdressing, Beauty and Well-Being
- Award in Vocational Skills (Introductory Level A)
- Award in Vocational Skills (Introductory Level B)
- Award in Hospitality
- Award in Retail
- Award in Basic Office Skills
- Master in Research Methods
- Master in Artificial Intelligence for Industry 4.0
- Master of Business Administration in Retail
- Master by Research
- Master of Science in Mechatronics
- Higher Diploma in Masonry Heritage Skills (Kapumastru)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing
- Bachelor of Community-Based Service Provision
- Bachelor of Applied Technology
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Cybersecurity
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Data Sciences
- Bachelor of Applied Technology
- Bachelor of Applied Science
- Bachelor of Applied Business Studies
- Bachelor of Creative Arts
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Creative Computing