Missed Assessments – Semester 1 (Academic Year 2024-25)
1. How will missed assessments be handled?
- The following courses regulated by external stakeholders (e.g., work licenses, professional warrants) will follow unit descriptors or agreed practices:
- Advanced Diploma in Health Sciences
- Advanced Diploma for Dental Surgery Assistants
- Advanced Diploma for Pharmacy Technicians
- BSc (Hons) Nursing
- Master in Veterinary Medicine
- Extended Diploma in Foundation Studies for Security, Enforcement and Protection
- Diploma in Social Care
- Advanced Diploma in Social Care
- Diploma in Early Years
- Advanced Diploma in Children’s Care, Learning and Development
- BA(Hons) in Early Years
- B.Vet(Hons)
- BA(Hons) Social Work
- B.Eng(Hons) (4 streams)
- Advanced Diploma in Electrical Systems
- BSc(Hons) Civil and Structural Engineering
- Aviation Maintenance Courses
- Maritime Navigation Courses
- Undergraduate Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety
- Undergraduate Diploma in Foundations of Engineering (both streams)
- Bachelor in Conservation (Hons)
- BSc(Hons) in Animal Management and Veterinary Nursing
- Assessment will be spread over the entire semester and accommodate the needs of students on placements.
- Project-based units will follow the same process as in previous years.
- Institutes may schedule assessments in the afternoon or on Saturdays where necessary. Dates will be announced in advance.
- Tutorials will be held before each assessment, with online sessions recorded for those unable to attend.
- Erasmus students who have left Malta will be assessed through online Time Constrained Assignments (TCAs), take-home assignments, or paper-based TCAs to be administered at their sending institutions.
- All quality assurance processes, marks verification, and publishing will follow standard procedures on Classter.
- Lecturers will support students throughout the process by providing information on the mode of assessment, which could include open-book options.
Dissertations – Submission at the End of Semester 2 (Academic Year 2024-2025)
2. What if I am progressing with my dissertation as planned?
- You will submit your dissertation in May/June 2025 as scheduled.
3. What if my dissertation was put on hold?
- If your dissertation was delayed due to pending approvals (e.g., Statement of Intent, Ethics Board, supervision issues), the process will resume immediately.
4. Can I request an extension?
- Yes, if your dissertation was previously on hold, you can request an extension until 15 September 2025. This will not affect your grade. Requests must be submitted by 30 May 2025.
5. When will I graduate?
- Successful students will graduate in November/December 2025.
6. What happens if I am given a Short Cycle resubmission for my dissertation?
- If given a Short Cycle resubmission, the new deadline will be mid-December 2025.
- You may graduate in March 2026 (additional ceremony organised for these exceptional circumstances) or in the scheduled November 2026 ceremonies.
- Transcripts will be available once the degree ratification board approves the results.
Recovery of Administrative Passes (AP) and Missed Assessments
7. Can I retake an assessment if I was given an Administrative Pass (AP)?
Yes, you can take the respective assessment to convert your AP into a standard grade. Please click here to fill in this form by Friday 7 March to register your interest in converting your APs.
8. When can I take these assessments?
- The institute will be guiding you on the assessment schedule.
9. What if I was not allowed to take synoptic assessments?
- You may now sit for synoptic assessments at the end of the current academic year or as guided by the Institute.
10. What if my situation does not fit these options?
- Institutes will review individual cases and organise assessments as needed.
11. Will students be given support before taking assessments?
- Students are encouraged to speak to their Institute’s administration about their needs.
12. I completed two assignments out of the three required for one unit. When adding the marks of both assignments, I achieved a pass mark. Can I request to convert this passmark into a grade instead of the AP?
- Yes, if the added total is more than 50 percent, this will be graded in line with the MCAST grading system.
Unit Award Grades MQF/EQF 1-3
% Mark | Award Grades |
90 - 100 | A* |
80 - 89 | A |
70 - 79 | B |
60 - 69 | C |
50 - 59 | D |
13. When will apprenticeship visits resume?
- Visits will resume as soon as possible to allow students to submit reports and portfolios on time.
- Institutes will ensure that students receive the necessary support from their supervisors to meet deadlines.
Student Support Services
14. Can we benefit from Student Support Services?
- We encourage you to contact the mentors and support services coordinators at your institute. If and when needed, these services may refer you to other specialised services, like career advice and therapy.
Institute Contact List
Institute | Phone | |
Centre for Learning and Employability | cle@mcast.edu.mt | 2398 7518 |
MCAST Institute of Applied Science | ias@mcast.edu.mt | 2398 7800 |
MCAST Institute of Business, Management and Commerce | ibmc@mcast.edu.mt | 2398 7600 |
MCAST Institute for Community Services | ics@mcast.edu.mt | 2398 7550 |
MCAST Institute for the Creative Arts | ica@mcast.edu.mt | 2398 7753 |
MCAST Institute of Engineering & Transport (Building & Construction) | ibce@mcast.edu.mt | 22398 7900 |
MCAST Institute of Engineering & Transport (Electrical & Electronics) | eei@mcast.edu.mt | 2398 7700 |
MCAST Institute of Engineering & Transport (Maritime) | maritime@mcast.edu.mt | 2398 7768 |
MCAST Institute of Engineering & Transport (Mechanical/Auto) | ime@mcast.edu.mt | 2398 7450 |
MCAST Institute of Engineering & Transport (Aviation) | amtc@mcast.edu.mt | 2398 7450 |
MCAST Institute of Information and Communication Technology | ict@mcast.edu.mt | 2398 7350 |
MCAST Gozo Campus | gozocampus@mcast.edu.mt | 2398 7665 |