Hydration Event

Dates: Tuesday 12th March, Wednesday 13th March & Thursday 14th March
Time: 10:00 – 12:30
Venue: Foyer at IAS (-2) next to Auditorium

Hydration event Poster2


March 12th, 13th & 14th from 10:00-12:30
Table & exhibition boards providing health education and promotion on good hydration
Table offering hydration assessments
Table offering refreshments, namely tea, coffee, water, smoothies against a donation for the MCAST student fund
March 12th Top of the Hour Topic Focus
10:00am – Why is hydration important?
11:00am – Hydration Challenge
12:00pm – Signs you are dehydrated
March 13th Top of the Hour Topic Focus
10:00am – Hydration in hot weather
11:00am – Hydration across the life span
12:00pm – How to stay well hydrated everyday
March 14th Top of the Hour Topic Focus
10:00am – Hydration in cold weather
11:00am – Staying well hydrated when you are sick
12:00pm – Community Hydration Pledge