How to submit an Online Application to be considered for a course at MCAST ?

Applicants must fill in the official MCAST Online Application Form:

Applications for Full Time Courses, are received according to the relevant Time Windows as published through .   Applications submitted outside the set FT time windows and not respecting the parameters which are specific to the FT time window (as clearly explained through the mentioned link), cannot be accepted and will not be processed.

Online Applications for Part Time, Training for Industry, Non-FT Prospectus courses (or similar) are ongoing and according to time windows for the specific Part Time Curses as published through MG2i website and as communicated by MG2i through a guide with screenshots intended to help with the online application.

In the MCAST website section – How to Apply Online …  –  one will find guides and resources intended to further facilitate online applications.

All residents in Malta bearing a Maltese ID Document, are expected to submit their online application after they would have created their MCAST CMIS account/profile (combined process at one go) using their active and valid EID  –  credentials for which may be obtained from the Identita’ Agency.  Only in exceptional circumstances where it is clearly evidenced that the applicant is not entitled to an EID, will a different channel of application be utilised – upon clear guidance by MCAST Admissions and Records Department (ARD).

The Online Application on the MCAST Admissions Portal, is made up of the following online pages:

i.   Personal details as pushed from the applicant’s Maltese EID, being the only source of validation – this first page is totally dependent on Identita’ Agency, rather than within MCAST’s control.

ii.   Section which allows applicants to upload clear and crisp scans of all Certificates / Qualification documents (full pages thereof) as are required for vetting process to be possible.

iii.   General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) page:  all must fill this page attentively… without which the application cannot be submitted

iv.   Choosing the Course Title one would be applying for

The creation of one’s account / profile on MCAST CMIS – using EID – is only done once … at the very first time the applicant will be coming into the MCAST CMIS to submit a first application (none done before).  Once the applicant’s account/profile is set up and validated, whenever future occasions come up wherein the applicant would be applying for another course, the process is very simple especially since it will only entail confirmations of GDPR consents and the last application page.


(last updated: 07 July 2024)