Author: CSREvents

March 30, 2023 CSREvents
Part 3 of 3 - Celebration of Mass in honour of Our Lady of Sorrows - MCAST welcomed his Excellency the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai SDB, at its Paola campus. The theme chosen for this visit was ‘One family – Nurturing a community’. for more info:
March 30, 2023 CSREvents
Part 2 of 3 - Moment of dialogue with staff and students - MCAST welcomed his Excellency the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai SDB, at its Paola campus. The theme chosen for this visit was ‘One family – Nurturing a community’. for more info:
March 24, 2023 CSREvents
The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) and MCAST Gateway to Industry (MG2i), the College’s commercial arm, launched a new prospectus with over 300 part-time courses ranging from short to accredited courses up to Degree and Master’s Degree Programmes. more info: photo album:
March 17, 2023 CSREvents
Excellent Mediterranean Net-MEN and Interreg Italia-Malta cofunded project has organized its second seminar focusing on the theme "𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡 & 𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞". The project is aiming to achieve the objective of promotion of cross border work mobility between Italy and Malta. The event portrayed an active participation of both MCAST students and academics along with Italian...
February 24, 2023 CSREvents
MCAST organised a two-day sports symposium at the Paola campus on 23 and 24 February. Over 120 sports professionals, students and educators participated in this event organised by the College’s Institute of Community Services (ICS). Titled ‘Challenging the Status Quo: Inspiring a Legacy Beyond the 2023 Major Sports Events’, the symposium provided an opportunity to...
February 23, 2023 CSREvents
MCAST organised a two-day sports symposium at the Paola campus on 23 and 24 February. Over 120 sports professionals, students and educators participated in this event organised by the College’s Institute of Community Services (ICS). Titled ‘Challenging the Status Quo: Inspiring a Legacy Beyond the 2023 Major Sports Events’, the symposium provided an opportunity to...
February 17, 2023 CSREvents
MCAST held a Seminar for nurse clinical mentors on campus in Paola. Clinical nurses currently employed at the College, lecturers, and prospective mentors attended the event. During the seminar, a number of panel discussions with key stakeholders within this industry were held. Clinical mentors share a vital responsibility in undergraduate nursing education because they act...
February 3, 2023 CSREvents
First Excellent Mediterranean Net Project Seminar held at MCAST 03.02.2023 The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) held the ‘Blue Economy’ Seminar on campus in Paola. The seminar was organised under Interreg Italia-Malta Project MEN (Excellent Mediterranean Net). ‘Blue Economy’ was the first seminar out of the six seminars committed under the project...
January 9, 2023 CSREvents
MCAST launched a two-day national sports symposium entitled ‘Challenging the Status Quo: Inspiring a Legacy Beyond the 2023 Major Sports Events’ The event shall take place on the 23 and 24 of February 2023 at the Conference Room Level 4 IET New Building within MCAST’s Paola Campus. Around forty speakers, representing nine educational institutions, and...