Author: Communications

May 14, 2021 Communications

Principal and CEO Professor Joachim James Calleja was interviewed by TKNIKA, the Basque Vocational Education and Training Applied Research Centre and featured in their internationally distributed e-newsletter. Professor Calleja spoke about the impact of VET and how a learning process can equip people with skills and competences relevant to the world of work. In particular,…

May 11, 2021 Communications

The MCAST prospectus has now been distributed in all 68 local councils in Malta and Gozo. It has also been delivered to over 50 schools and community centres. The prospectus and the selection of 190 courses can also be viewed online. The prospectus also includes information about 15 courses at Master’s level offered by the…

May 3, 2021 Communications

On 3 May, Prime Minister Robert Abela was at the MCAST Vaccine Centre to receive his first COVID-19 vaccine. He also thanked workers and volunteers at vaccination centres for their service. Staff and students of the MCAST nursing degree programme have volunteered to work at the vaccination centre to join the national efforts to ensure…

April 27, 2021 Communications

Students at the MCAST Centre of Agriculture, Aquatics and Animal Sciences are harvesting vegetables at the Centre and are donating them to Soup Kitchen OFM – Valletta. Lecturer John Galea is leading this initiative. The Soup Kitchen organises initiatives to address the basic needs of those in need with good healthy food. This objective complements…

April 20, 2021 Communications No comments exist

We’ve launched prospectus for the coming academic year 2021-22. The publication, which is also available digitally, includes details on all 190 full-time courses offered by the College, from introductory level courses to Master’s level. We’ve also revealed our new emblem and rebranding.

March 30, 2021 Communications

Ms Marisa Xuereb, a member of the MCAST Board of Governors, was elected President of the Malta Chamber 2021-2023. Marisa Xuereb is an economist who has worked in the industry for over 20 years. She is the current Deputy President of the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry. She serves as Director of Malta…

February 9, 2021 Communications

  Applications for the Pre-Warrant Qualification course are now open to MCAST graduates who completed the Bachelor of Engineering course. This was announced during a joint visit to the College’s Institute of Engineering and Transport by the Minister for Education Justyne Caruana and the Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects Ian Borg. Earlier this…

February 7, 2021 Communications

On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Principal and MCAST staff and students, we extend our heartfelt condolences to the Minister of Education Justyne Caruana on the sad loss of her father. Minister Caruana and her family are in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.