Institute of Engineering and Transport

Course Title: Higher Diploma in Masonry Heritage Skills (Kapumastru)
Course Code: CE5-O01-23


Course details

Mode: Includes Internship
The demand for the conservation and restoration of stone monuments and of historic buildings and artefacts is increasing. Likewise, those who manage projects involving various building materials are in great demand. This course is intended for those who would like to acquire knowledge and skills related to the conservation and restoration of buildings and monuments where the main construction material is the local limestone. They will be able to apply restoration and conservation techniques following best practices, both in College-based workshops and laboratories as well as on heritage sites. This course also provides quantity surveying skills as applied to restoration projects, as well as an introduction to project management, enabling learners to manage technicians working on restoration projects.
Id-domanda għall-konservazzjoni u r-restawr ta’ monumenti tal-ġebla u ta’ bini storiku u artifatti qed tiżdied. Daqstant ieħor hawn domanda kbira għal persuni li jmexxu proġetti li jinvolvu diversi materjali tal-bini. Dan il-kors huwa maħsub għal dawk li jixtiequ jiksbu għarfien u ħiliet relatati mal-konservazzjoni u r-restawr ta’ bini u monumenti fejn il-materjal prinċipali tal-kostruzzjoni jkun il-ġebla tal-franka lokali. L-istudenti jkunu jistgħu japplikaw tekniki ta’ restawr u konservazzjoni ta’ bini u monumenti billi jsegwu l-aħjar prattiċi, kemm f’workshops u laboratorji bbażati fil-Kulleġġ, kif ukoll f’siti tal-patrimonju. Dan il-kors jipprovdi wkoll ħiliet ta’ stħarriġ ta’ kwantità kif applikati għal proġetti ta’ restawr, kif ukoll introduzzjoni għall-ġestjoni ta’ proġetti. Dan jippermetti lill-istudenti li jmexxu teknixins li jkunu qed jaħdmu fuq proġetti ta’ restawr.
MQF Level: 5
Duration: 2 Years Full-time
Entry requirements: MCAST Advanced Diploma in Masonry Heritage Skills (Mastru)
MCAST Advanced Diploma in Cultural Heritage Skills
MCAST Advanced Diploma in Construction Engineering
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Other entry requirements: –
Career opportunities: Kapumastru’ in the field of stone masonry heritage skills, Stone masonry heritage sites manager
Programme details: