KampuSajf Festival set to commence at MCAST

August 22, 2024 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) is all set to host the 2nd edition of the KampuSajf Festival this weekend. The festival will commence at the College’s Mosta Campus on the 23rd of August 2024 at 08:00 pm.

The multidisciplinary programme includes music, theatre, and film screenings, all showcasing the artistic talent of local artists within this creative sector.


The first of five artistic performances will be a Greek Ampheatre production titled, ‘Dizzjunarju tal-Maħbubin’, with the participation of Martina Georgina, and Klonn & Hearts Beating in Time, written on Aphroconfuso. This production is a multidisciplinary performance based on “Il-Mara tas-Suldat”. Published for the first time on Aphroconfuso, this piece was written by Daniel Cossai, Leanne Ellul, Noah Fabri, Charlene Galea, Miriam Galea, Joe Gatt, Matthew Schembri, and Loranne Vella, writing collectively as Jien_a during a series of workshops in collaboration with Geġwiġija Library. The performance specifically created for the festival promises to be a memorable one and features archery, electronic music and other original elements.


The second night with feature music that defined the national theatre company’s programme over the past seven years. This will include music from “Il-Qfil u l-Ħelsien ta’ Manwel Dimech,” “Raymond Fight Back,” “O,” and “Il-Madonna Tieghi Ahjar Min Tieghek.” This eclectic mash-up promises a vibrant theatrical journey of award-winning performances. It will include the participation of guest singers Claire Tonna, il-Lapes and Alexandra Alden.

Alexandra alden

The festival’s first two days will be held at the amphitheatre in Mosta, behind the MCAST campus. The last three days will be held on the MCAST Campus in Paola. Both venues, which are also easily accessible by public transport, will offer free parking for attendees.

The festival is powered by APS Bank and directed by Stjanu Debono. It is organised in collaboration with POPP and supported by Heritage Malta. Through the Popp collaboration, each performance will be followed by an after-event featuring prominent artists, including Joon, Delite Duarte, DJ Bob, Jono, and Justin u ż-Żiżża.

MCAST strongly supports the local artistic and creative sectors by promoting artistic expression, showcasing local creatives’ talent, and providing creative courses at the College’s Institute for the Creative Arts (ICA).

Individuals interested in attending this year’s KampuSajf festival can buy tickets online via this link. MCAST’s social media pages and website provide more information about the festival.