Important Stipends Related Information (For Form A New… Form B Progressing to another level and Form C Continuing and Form D Repeating students)

New students applying through form A – only after acceptance process is  followed

Students’ Stipends and Grants are provided by the Government of Malta for students attending at approved Post-Secondary, Vocational and Tertiary Educational Institutions. Students’ Stipends and Grants are regulated by Subsidiary Legislation 605.06. This legislation also determines applicants’ eligibility.

To apply for Stipends and Grants, students should log through this link: with their personal e-ID and active password in order to fill in the online application form.

Personal details will be automatically uploaded in the application. Applicants are required to choose the details related to their course of studies and to insert a valid personal IBAN (bank account number).  It is of utmost importance that the electronic form is completed correctly so that there will be no delays in the processing of their application.

Students are encouraged to apply online before 31st December 2024 in order to benefit from Stipends and Grants as from the beginning of the respective academic year, if found eligible. Students submitting their online application after the end of December 2024 would be entitled to Stipends and Grants as from the date of the submission of their application, if found eligible.

New students should scan and upload a copy of all the pages of their Secondary School Leaving Certificate and Profile (SSC&P) confirming that they completed their Year 11 / Form 5, issued by the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youths, Research and Innovation.   

First-time applicants are to upload their Jobsplus Employment History.  This can be downloaded from the Jobsplus website using their e-ID and active password.

 The below is a walk through the Stipends and Grants online application:

  • Page 1:  This page contains the students’ personal details. Students are to ensure that these are correct.  Applicants will also need to insert an IBAN.  It is made up of 31 alphanumeric characters.
  • Page 2:  Applicants are urged to click all the questions and to fill in all their course details.   There shall be at least one item in the Education / Employment History section.
  • Page 3: This page relates to Supplementary Grant.  Only applicants facing proven hardship and humanitarian situations are to click Yes to the question regarding Supplementary and select a reason why they are applying for Supplementary.
  • Page 4: Applicants are to upload the requested files indicated in the application. Applicants need to upload a recent Employment History and all pages of the School-Leaving Certificate and Profiling. Students applying for Supplementary Stipend and Grant (if applicable), are to make sure to also upload all the necessary documentation under the proper heading; such as parents’ Employment History, parents FS3, Social Security statements of allowances/benefits received, profit and loss declaration (where applicable) etc..

Once students fill in the online application, they need to make sure that they click on the Submit button.  Only confirmed applications can be considered for payment process.

It is important to note that / One Stop Shop officials are available to assist students with their online application at the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation, Great Siege Road, Floriana. Ideally, students calling directly at the Ministry are to ensure that they have all soft copies of the necessary documentation.  Opening hours are from Monday to Saturday: 08;00 – 13:00 and also on Wednesday: 16:30 – 19:00

Students may amend their online applications for Stipends and Grant until end of June of the respective academic year.  There shall be no further processing of SMG online applications after the end of June of the respective academic year.

Hereunder one will find links to videos providing step-by-step guidance on how to:

 Other useful links:

  • Guidance for Non-EU citizens including those students who do not possess an e-ID Account and other special cases:

  •  FAQs related to Students’ Maintenance Grants:

MCAST students are required to send queries that require a personalized reply to from their MCAST email account for verification purposes and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations.

 Progressing students with form B  and  Continuing students with form C:

Students’ Stipends and Grants are provided by the Government of Malta for students attending at approved Post-Secondary, Vocational and Tertiary Educational Institutions. Students’ Stipends and Grants are regulated by Subsidiary Legislation 605.06. This legislation also determines applicants’ eligibility.

To apply for Students’ Stipends and Grants, students must log into  with their personal e-ID and active password in order to fill in the online application form.

Students progressing to a MQF higher level course are required to submit a new online SMG application.  Applicants will be required to choose details about their course of studies and input their IBAN (bank account number).  It is of utmost importance that the electronic form is completed correctly so that there will be no delays in the processing of the application form.  Students must apply for Students’ Stipends and Grants online before the end of December of the respective academic year in order to benefit from the Students’ Stipends and Grants as from the beginning of the respective academic year, if found eligible.  Students submitting their online application after the end of December 2024 will be entitled for Stipends and Grants as from the date of the submission of their application, if found eligible.  Only confirmed applications can be considered for payment process.

Students who are promoted (can continue using a Form C) to a subsequent year in their course of studies are required to access their online application to confirm the already filled in details of their course, update course year of studies and any other personal details (as applicable) by using their e-ID and active password at the beginning of the respective academic year.  It is imperative that this is carried out by no later than 31 December 2024 in order to benefit from the Students’ Stipends and Grants as from the beginning of the respective academic year, if found eligible.  Students submitting their online application after the end of December 2024 will be entitled to Stipends and Grants as from the date of submission of their application, if found eligible.  Only confirmed applications can be considered for payment process.

It is important to note that online applications for grant and stipend usually open towards the end of September / beginning of October of the respective academic year Official date when SMG online applications open is published on the SMGB website.  As per procedure, ALL applications submitted before the official opening of the online SMG online applications will be declined.

Students may amend their online applications for Stipends and Grant until end of June of the respective academic year.  There shall be no further processing of SMG online applications after the end of June 2025. 

More general information regarding SMG online applications is available on the SMGB website through the link:

MCAST students are required to send queries that require a personalized reply to from their MCAST email account for verification purposes and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations.


(last updated: 11 August 2024)