Programme Title
Master of Science in Veterinary Medicine

Course Code


Programme Includes:(Apprenticeship/ Placement or Internship)


MQF Level

Level 7

Type(refer to Appendix 1 for Parameters)


Accreditation Status(Note: If the Type is Award or Qualification, therefore by default, the Accreditation Status should be Accredited)

Accredited via MCAST’s Self Accreditation Process (MCAST holds Self-Accrediting Status as per 1st schedule of Legal Notice 296/2012)

Mode of Delivery

Face to Face

Duration (hours or years)

5 Years

Total Number of Credits


Total Learning Hours (25 Total Learning Hours for each ECTS)

7500 hours

Target Audience

Ages 16 – 65

Target Group (the type of learners that the educational institution anticipates joining this programme)

Learners interested in pursuing a profession as a Veteirnary Sugeon

Programme Fees

This is a Full Time course offered to Maltese and EU nationals

Date of Next Student Intake


Language of Instruction

The official language of instruction at MCAST is English. All notes and textbooks are in English. International candidates will be requested to meet English language certification requirements for access to the course.

Application Method

Applications to full-time courses are received online via the College Management Information System. Applicants can log-in using Maltese Electronic ID (eID) in order to access the MCAST Admissions Portal directly and create one’s own student account with the identity being verified electronically via this secure service.Non-EID applicants need to request account creation though an online form after that they confirm that their local Identification Document does not come with an EID entitlement. Once the identity is verified and the account is created on behalf of the applicant, one may proceed with the online application according to the same instructions applicable to all other applicants.

For more information about how to apply online for a course at MCAST, please visit:


Information for Non-EU Citizens

Non-EU candidates require a study visa in order to travel to Malta and join the course applied for. For further information re study-visa please access

Address where the Programme will be Delivered

MCAST has four campuses as follows:MCAST Main Campus
Triq Kordin,
Paola, Malta

All courses except for courses delivered by the Institute for the Creative Arts, the Centre of Agriculture, Aquatics and Animal Sciences and the Gozo Campus are offered at the Main Campus address (above).

Courses delivered by the Institute for the Creative Arts, the Centre of Agriculture, Aquatics and Animal Sciences, or the Gozo Campus, are offered in one of the following addresses as applicable:

Institute for the Creative Arts
Mosta Campus
Misraħ Għonoq Tarġa Gap,

Institute of Applied Sciences
Centre of Agriculture, Aquatics and Animal Sciences,
Luqa Road, Qormi


Animal Hospital (Ta’ Qali)
Triq San Ġakbu

Gozo Campus
J.F. De Chambray Street
MCAST, Għajnsielem

In the case of courses delivered via Online Learning, students will be following the programme from their preferred location/address.

Programmes delivered via Blended Learning, and which therefore contain both an online and a face to face component shall be delivered as follows:

Face to Face components – as per above address instructions
Online components – from the student’s preferred address.


Course Description/Deskrizzjoni tal-Kors

The veterinary degree is a five-year course delivered by MCAST with the support of the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain) and that integrates theoretical and practical learning- the first two years made up of foundation modules followed by three other years entailing clinical and other specialized modules. During the first two years, students learn about the normal functions of the animal body- from the cellular level to the functioning of the whole organism. Through various practical sessions and extra-mural placements, animal handling skills and professional skills will also be taught.
During the clinical years, students will learn about the diagnosis and treatment of medical and surgical conditions in companion, equine and farm animal species, as well as about other relevant topics, including veterinary public health and pharmacology.

NOTES: All course applicants are advised that throughout the duration of the Programme of study, they will be expected to successfully carry out a number of mandatory ERASMUS+ placements or mobilities, by travelling to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain (unless any other Place / Region / Country is indicated). All applicants for this Level 7 programme, must take note of this requirement to travel throughout the duration of the course.

Seats for this Level 7 Programme are limited to a maximum of fifteen (15). If, after ranking, there is a tie between candidates for places in the course, the basic first-in-first-considered principle applies (based on the time stamp the MCAST CMIS
will recognise as time of receipt of application completed in full, with no missing documents required for eligibility vetting).


Dan huwa kors ta’ ħames snin mogħti mill-MCAST bis-sapport tal- Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spanja) u li jintegra tagħlim teoretiku u prattiku- l-ewwel sentejn jinkludu suġġetti ta’ fundazzjoni li jkunu segwita mit-tliet snin ta’ wara li jkun fihom suġġetti kliniċi u speċjalizzati oħra. Matul l-ewwel sentejn, l-istudenti jitgħallmu dwar il-funzjonijiet normali tal-ġisem tal-annimal mill-livell ċellulari sal-funzjoni tal-ġisem sħiħ. Permezz ta’ sessjonijiet ta’ prattika diversi u taħriġ f’postijiet barra l-Kulleġġ, jiġu mgħallma ħiliet relatati mal-annimali u ħiliet professjonali oħra. Fl-aħħar tliet snin tal-kors, l-istudenti jitgħallmu dwar id-dijanjożi u t-trattament ta’ kundizzjonijiet mediċi u kiruġiċi fi speċi ta’ annimali tal-kumpanija, ekwini u tal-irziezet kif ukoll dwar suġġetti relevanti bħas-saħħa pubblika veterinarja u l-farmakoloġija.

Career Opportunities

Veterinary Surgeon

Entry requirements(Refer to Programme Specification)

There are various possible entry routes into the course, some of which include further entry examinations as may be required.

Entry routes include the following:

(i)Two (2) A-Level and Two (2) I –Level Passes… Compulsory A’Levels – Biology and Chemistry (both at Grade B or better), and Compulsory I’Level is Physics OR Pure /Applied Mathematics (at grade B or better). The I Level Physics OR Pure/Applied Mathematics can be replaced by A’ Levels in the same subjects – always at grade B or better. The second I’Level can be in any other subject.
NOTE: In the case of applications for Academic Years 2024/25, 2025/26 and 2026/27: Computing OR Environmental Science will be accepted instead of Physics or Pure/Applied Mathematics (as A or I level, always at grade B or better). In such instance, the applicant must sit for the MCAST entry examinations in Physics – a result of grade B or better in this set examination subject is required.

Entry into course, as from Academic Year 2027/28 will require Chemistry and Biology A’Levels (at grade B or better) and an I’ or A’Level in Physics or Maths at Grade B or better (together with another I’Level subject – information published in Prospectus 27/28 will hold through).

Applicants using the Matriculation Certificate as an entry route into the course, can opt to sit for the MCAST entry examinations and use the result that gives them the best chance of being accepted. As an example: an applicant would have achieved a grade C in Biology A-level and will decide to sit for the MCAST entry examination in Animal Science or Biology achieving a grade A. Applicant can then present the grade A, along with the rest of the Matriculation Certificate with grades for Chemistry and Physics as per above requirements. Such a scenario is only applicable for one of the subjects as required by this entry route.

(ii) Holders of MCAST Advanced Diploma in Animal Management and Veterinary Nursing (MQF / EQF Level 4 – 120 credits) can progress into this course (as internal progression) but must sit for three examinations administered by MCAST in Chemistry, Physics and Animal Sciences/Biology. Eligibility can be attained after achieving a Grade B or better in all mentioned three MCAST examinations.

Applications received under Maturity Clause: the set parameters adopted for the MCAST Maturity Clause (including a minimum age of 27 years for Master’s Programmes) are applicable. Applicant will be asked to sit for MCAST examinations in Chemistry, Physics and Animal Sciences/Biology. A grade B or better achieved from these three examinations, will lead to the application being further processed. A Maturity Clause interview will also be held for those who make it through this related eligibility check and will also serve as a replacement for the Masters Programmes’ suitability interview.

For this Level 7 programme, applicants in possession of a recognized qualification in an area closely related to Veterinary Studies will have their course application presented to an Admissions Committee set up for the purpose between MCAST. Where the related qualification presented by applicant as entry to course (and deemed as related by the Admissions Committee) will be pegged at an MQF/EQF Level 4 or 5 (minimum 120 credits), applicant will be asked to sit for MCAST examinations in Chemistry, Physics and Animal Sciences/Biology. A grade B or better achieved from these three exams, will lead to the application to be further processed. Applicants presenting an MQF/EQF Level 6 or higher (minimum 180 ECTS) qualification (and deemed as related by the Admissions Committee) will be exempt (as may be eligible) from one or more of these exams, should they present the MCAST-UAB Admissions Committee, with a satisfactory academic performance record.

Applicants wishing to embark on the MCAST programme and would have already achieved units of study from other recognized veterinary medicine courses (as vetted by the Admissions Committee). These applicants would also need to send an email on to submit their intent to have a Recognition of Prior Certified Learning (RPCL) Procedure opened for them if they would want to attain
exemptions from units of study forming part of the MCAST Programme – as per RPCL procedure adopted at MCAST. It is to be noted that any applicant passing through the RPCL process, will be able to sit for units within the set MCAST programme structure, in accordance with the set unit delivery for this MCAST Full Time course, which starts afresh from year 1 (in 2024/25)

NOTE: Further information regarding the MCAST Entry Examinations, can be found in the downloadable .pdf at end of the course web page… “Guidelines and Further Info —MCAST-UAB Master of Science in Veterinary Medicine”


Programme Learning Outcomes (Refer to Programme Specification)

At the end of the programme the learner will be able to:
1. Apply clinical reasoning and critical thinking skills in a variety of scenarios and formulate adequate plans to address issues affecting animal health, welfare and performance, while considering animal and client needs, available resources, legal requirements and the cultural context.
2. Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of animal anatomy, physiology, pathology and ethology and safely perform preventative, diagnostic, medical and surgical procedures for the health and wellbeing of animals.
3 Develop effective communication skills with colleagues, clients and the general public, while exhibiting ethical and professional conduct in all aspects of veterinary practice, thus safeguarding animal and human welfare and upholding the standards of the veterinary profession.
4. Formulate solutions to problems impacting One Welfare and respond effectively to various situations, such as those relating to infectious disease, biosecurity and population control.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment Procedures

The programmes offered entail both theoretical lectures delivered in classes as well as practical elements that are delivered in laboratories, workshops, farms, clinics, hospitals and simulators as the module requirements dictate.Each module or unit entails a number of in person and/or online contact learning hours that are delivered by the lecturer or tutor directly (See also section ‘Total Learning Hours).

Access to all resources is provided to all registered students. These include study resources in paper or electronic format through the Library and Resource Centre as well as tools, software, equipment and machinery that are provided by the respective institutes depending on the requirements of the course or module.

Students may however be required to provide consumable material for use during practical sessions and projects unless these are explicitly provided by the College.

All Units of study are assessed throughout the academic year through continuous assessment using a variety of assessment tools. Coursework tasks are exclusively based on the Learning Outcomes as prescribed in the course specification. The Learning Outcomes are communicated to the Student via the coursework documentation.

The method of assessment shall reflect the Level, credit points (ECTS) and the schedule of time-tabled/non-timetabled hours of learning of each study unit. A variety of assessment instruments, not solely Time Constrained Assignments/Exams, are used to gather and interpret evidence of Student competence toward pre-established learning outcomes of each unit of the programme of study.

Learning Outcomes are assessed through a number of tasks, each task being assigned a number of marks.
The distribution of marks and assessment mode depends on the nature and objectives of the unit in question.

Coursework shall normally be completed during the semester in which the Unit is delivered.

Time-constrained assignments may be held between 8 am and 8 pm during the delivery period of a Unit, or at the end of the semester in which the Unit is completed. The dates are notified and published on the Institute notice boards or through other means of communication.

Certain circumstances may lead Institutes and Centres to hold teaching and assessment remotely (online) as per MCAST QA Policy and Standard for Online Teaching, Learning and Assessment (Doc 020) available via link


Grading System

All MCAST programmes adopt a Learner-centred approach through the focus on Learning Outcomes.For a student to be deemed to have successfully passed a unit, a minimum of 50% (grade D) must be achieved.

All full time units are individually graded as follows:
A* (90-100)
A (80-89)
B (70-79)
C (60-69)
D (50-59)
Unsatisfactory work is graded as ‘U’.


Contact details for Further Learning Opportunities

MCAST Career Guidance
Tel: 2398 7135/6

Regulatory Body/ Competent Authority Contact Details (where applicable – in the case of a programme leading to Regulated Profession)

Download PIT (Public Information Template) pdf here  


Last updated: 2024-10-31