Transferring to another Course

A short time window allowing for transfer from one Full-Time Course to another, is available as per

The possibility of a transfer from one course to the other  requires that:

  • The student asking to transfer to another course, must already be a Registered MCAST student (would have been found eligible and an acceptance course offer would have been accepted by same).  Someone who will be applying for the first time at MCAST (that is, would not have submitted an application during the Main Call, and has been found eligible for course in the Main Call) will not be in a position to be considered under Transfer of Course.
  • The student asking to be transferred must be eligible for the course s/he would now be asking to transfer to.

No further transfers will be acceptable beyond the established Transfer Window, particularly since lecture sessions would have started off, and course content would have starting picking up good tempo.


last updated: 07 July 2024)