Ensuring submission of a full application complete with uploaded scans which can be validated and authenticated with originals.

Applications submitted without all the necessary documentation required to complete the vetting, cannot be processed. Only scans of official MATSEC / SEC result (hard copy) documents must be uploaded (and not screenshots of SMSs sent by MATSEC). In the case of the SSC&P (Secondary School Certificate & Profile), all four pages of the document are to be uploaded – together with the actual carton certificate.  Any other Certificates / Transcripts or documents showing qualification achievement are to be uploaded with no parts clipped off.  In all such documents, the bearer’s full name and surname and – where applicable – the ID Number, is to be clearly shown.  Uploads that are not crisp and clear, cannot be processed.  Applicants are kindly asked to label all the scans they upload using their full name and surname and the type of document being uploaded in the particular scan.  On the Online Application – Uploads section – one will find further guidance on uploading the required documents.   Kindly follow the directions provided in that section.

All are reminded that MCAST reserves the right to carry out a validation and authentication process, wherein all uploaded scans of certificates (on one’s application profile)  will be checked against the original version.  Regular emails are sent out by ARD to groups of applicants providing them with a day and time in which these would be expected to present themselves at ARD with the original versions of certificates.  This process is ongoing and goes beyond the month of October in which lectures (for FT courses)  start off.  Where authenticity and validity of uploaded scans, cannot be confirmed with the original versions, the applicant (even if at a stage in which s/he would have already become a registered student, would have his/her student registration terminated due to such a serious breach.  Likewise, where the applicant / student who would be asked to present one’s original certificates at ARD’s office for the mentioned validity check, will not turn up on the specified date and time, any student registration status will be withdrawn and terminated.  This also clearly applies to all International applicants who are reminded to ensure that they bring with them the original versions of their certificates (they would have presented scans of, at point of application)  when they would be coming over to Malta to start off the course they would have been found eligible for and a course acceptance offer would have been sent out to them.


(last updated: 07 July 2024)