Exploring Sicily’s Agricultural Treasures: A Week of Learning and Discovery

May 31, 2024 Communications

A group of students following Fisheries, Aquaculture, Veterinary Nursing, and Horticulture courses at the Centre of Agriculture, Aquatics, and Animal Sciences (CAAAS) within the Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) embarked on a transformative week-long site visit to Sicily. Guided by their lecturers, this educational experience offered invaluable insights into the intricate Sicilian farming practices.

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The trip started with a visit to a freshwater fish hatchery and sport fishing facility. Amidst the tranquil beauty of nature, students delved into the science of creating artificial lakes, farming of fish, and aquaponics. Students also visited a buffalo farm, where they learnt about husbandry, nutrition, and the artisanal production of Italy’s prized mozzarella. There they witnessed first-hand, the dedication and craftsmanship required to cultivate this culinary delight.

The journey then led the learners to an ancient water mill nestled within a cave—a testament to Sicily’s rich historical heritage. Here, they learnt about ancient engineering and the milling process and gained insights into flour production. Next, students visited a vibrant herb farm where they appreciated the art of herb production. Yet, beyond the fields, they were captivated by the narrative of an entrepreneur – a testament to the resilience and determination required to transform dreams into reality. The trip ended with a visit to a botanical garden and park, and a plant nursery covering more than 600 hectares of land and producing more than 5000 varieties of Mediterranean plants.

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This trip not only helped students gain a deeper understanding of the symbiotic relationship between humanity and the land, but they also returned home with broadened horizons in terms of project and entrepreneurial possibilities.