MCAST Principal addresses Baltic conferences

November 24, 2023 Communications

Earlier this week, MCAST Principal/CEO addressed two conferences in Vilnius on an invitation by the Minister for Education, Youth and Sport Gintautas  Jakstas. On Monday Professor Calleja was the keynote speaker on a national conference focused on the Lithuanian qualifications framework for more efficient education and qualifications system. Participants were high officials from all sectors of education which included school education, vocational training and higher education including universities. In his presentation MCAST Principal delved into achievements and expectations of qualifications frameworks in the context of artificial intelligence. He underlined the fact that as a result of AI qualifications will soon change and this will be reflected in frameworks of qualifications governed by specific learning outcomes and workloads based on acquired knowledge, skills and competence. In an age in which technology is changing methods of learning and working for students and employers, education institutions must adjust to this reality. This may require a new approach to the workloads of qualifications, to admissions processes as well as assessments. More students will be opting for work-based learning to ensure the relevancy of their learning experience in colleges and higher education institutions to workplaces and the changing work practices.


Professor Calleja challenged the level system in qualifications frameworks and said “the need to look at one’s stage of education and training is pressing on education institutions. Stages such as compulsory education, technical education and vocational and professional higher education might dominate the future of qualifications frameworks”. The quality of applied education as well as micro credentials and on-the-job experiences will also be a main feature in accrediting education and in designing qualifications.


On the following day, professor Calleja was one of four key-note speakers in an international conference to mark the Lithuanian Skills Week entitled: Skills Lithuania – Futureproof employment and citizenship. The other keynote speakers were delivered by the Minister for Education Gintautas Jakstas, Michel Tuccio from OECD, Esa Karvinen Principal of Riveria Finland and Rima Valentukeviciene General Manager for IBM Baltics and president of Infobait Association. Each keynote address was followed by a panel discussion which included experts from industry, Unions and education sectors.


In his keynote address, MCAST Principal/CEO outlined the challenges of VET for sustainable and strong economies and the role of stakeholders. VET institutions, he remarked, must work in partnerships to be successful and prepare students to workplaces dominated by technology and innovation. Stakeholders, particularly employers play a key role in updating education and training programmes, in providing work experiences and in keeping education institutions au courant with innovation. Flexibility and access to education are increasingly becoming a way of learning and working. Young and older learners and workers should be offered the possibility to learn while they work in a context which is flexible, accessible using a skills-first approach. This requires constant reskilling for teachers, closer cooperation with employers and renewed infrastructure that attracts learners to formal qualifications. “Today’s workplaces,” MCAST Principal said, “require only lifelong learners and those with strong soft skills and emotional intelligence. Employability will largely depend upon a persons’ capacity to meet innovation, acquire new skills and be ready to change careers if needed. VET institutions must mirror as much as possible these challenges and ensure that learners are smart enough to succeed in the labour market”.
