Foreign Delegation visits MCAST

October 19, 2023 Communications

The Honorary Consul of Kosovo in Portugal, Mr Nuno Pinto Coelho de Faria, a Kosovar technical delegation from the Ministry of Education, and representatives from Higher Education and Employment institutions visited MCAST on 17 October. Mr Stephen Vella, Deputy Principal Business Development and Communications and EU Projects Director Perit Deborah Borg welcomed the delegation.

The visit was part of the Technical Encounters on Education, Malta Summit 2023, an event part of a programme co-financed by the European Union and the Austrian Agency for Development and Cooperation.

Deputy Principal Stephen Vella provided an overview of MCAST’s development over the past twenty-three years as a Centre of Excellence in Vocational Training and Education. Director Perit Deborah Borg spoke about the various European Social Funds and European Development Funds projects implemented in recent years.

The delegation also visited the MCAST Resource Centre and Library and the Institute of Engineering and Transport.