MCAST delegates attend final Interreg Italia-Malta MEN-Excellent Mediterranean event

September 15, 2023 Communications

Delegates from the Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) attended the Interreg Italia-Malta MEN-Excellent Mediterranean Net final closing event in Sicily on 14th Sep 2023. The event was organized by the lead partner Municipality of Acireale.

During the event, MCAST’s Principal/CEO Prof. Joachim James Calleja has signed an MOU with the Mayer of Municipality of Acireale Mr. Roberto Barbagallo, to ensure the sustainability of the project outcomes for the upcoming 5 years.

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MCAST’s Deputy Principal Mr. Philp Vella was present for this final closing event in Sicily. Professor Calleja gave a key-note message evaluating the outcomes of the project and recommending a follow up to it in which students from Malta and Sicily can work in small clusters to start-up SMEs in various sectors particularly those based on high tech and artificial intelligence. This learning activity could steer the creation of small companies between young people in Malta and in Sicily and possibly the creation of more jobs.

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MCAST being the only Maltese partner among other 6 Sicilian partners, played a vital role in the successful completion of the mobility-based project. Mr. Richard Curmi, Director for Events at MCAST and Ms. Anna Privitera, Director for MEN at Municipality of Acireale were the Project Leaders of MEN. They were supported by other administrative and managerial staff members making this project a successful enterprise for Sicilian unemployed young people and MCAST future programmes.

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