MCAST ‘Teens Summer Camp’ a Success

September 6, 2023 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), in collaboration with MG2i, the College’s commercial arm, successfully held for the second year running the MCAST Teens Summer Camp.

This year, 93 participants between 13 and 16 years of age followed the programme. The Teens Summer Camp exposed participants to various educational areas, which will help them make an informed decision when choosing their next learning and career journeys.

MCAST Deputy Principal for Communications and Business Development, Mr Stephen Vella, said, “We are delighted with this year’s enthusiastic participation. The camp is an opportunity to experience different areas and topics. It’s also a chance to discover the MCAST campus and the various facilities available. Above all, we want young people to make new connections and memories and to reflect on what they enjoy doing and what skills they’d like to develop.”


Students participated in various activities during the camp, including educational projects, sports days, and teamwork. Courses provided during the programme in woodwork, robotics, and events such as treasure hunts, historical visits, and fitness activities were top-rated among participants.


The camp also included the Young Innovators programme led by the EIT ClimateKIC Malta Hub at MCAST. Participants were encouraged to develop ideas to adopt environmentally friendly habits and fight against climate change. The participants focused on mobility, fast fashion and food waste. They also produced podcasts discussing their thoughts about actions that must be taken.


Many of this year’s participants said they would recommend others to enrol in next year’s summer camp and described the programme as highly creative, fun, and enriching.

The College aims to continue building on the ideas and values of inclusivity and creating a community college for all, which helps to widen opportunities for all.