MCAST issues guidance on entry requirements in view of SSC&P changes

July 20, 2023 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) is issuing information for applicants following the changed format in this year’s Secondary School Certificate and Profile (SSC&P) issued by the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research, and Innovation.

MCAST would like to reassure prospective students that it will adapt its admissions process to adjust for the removal of levels per individual subject in the SSC&P.

The MCAST entry requirements 2023/24 refer to Level 3, where individual subjects are compulsory for admission to certain courses.  The level will not be indicated for each subject on the SSC&P but the mark obtained will be mapped by the College,  using the marking criteria established by the Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education  (DQSE 01/2015). This will ensure that students are provided with the appropriate educational pathway.

Further Guidance on Entry Requirements and SSC&P

Satisfying the specific subject entry requirement is possible through the following two options:

  • SEC O Level result (1-5); or
  • The ‘exam mark’ in Year 11 listed in the SSC&P (In line with DQSE 01/2015 Table 4)
  • Track 3 examination papers: pass mark 55
  • Track 2 examination paper: pass mark 65

In cases where the SSC&P does not include an ‘exam mark’ in Year 11, the application is referred to the MCAST Admissions Board.

Applicants are encouraged to contact the MCAST Admissions Office for help with their application:

Tel: 2398 7888 Email: