Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing

Course Title: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing
Course Code: AS6-W04-23
Course details
Mode: Face to Face
The Bachelor of Science (Hons) Nursing prepares learners with the necessary competences and qualifications required to register as a first level nurse both in Malta and in all EU member states. This entails the provision of safe and effective care delivered in an evidence-based, holistic manner to patients and their significant others. The learners will pursue a minimum of 4600 hours over a three-year period, as stipulated by EU Directive 2005/36/EC. These are divided into 2300 theoretical hours and 2300 practice hours, most of which are carried out on clinical placements, and are supervised by qualified nurse mentors. The learners will be equipped with an evidence-based skill set and soft skills that will enable them to be fully capable of practicing independently. Learners must cover all the necessary hours and obtain a pass in all theoretical and practical units to be able to apply for registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Malta. This course is recognised across all the EU member states. Applicants will be subject to a valuesbased interview, followed by the presentation of an occupational health-screening certificate and a clean police conduct certificate. These documents will serve to establish the suitability of applicants for Nursing and ultimately act towards the final selection of course participants.
Il-Baċellerat tax-Xjenza (Hons) Nursing jipprepara studenti bil-kompetenzi u l-kwalifiki meħtieġa biex jirreġistraw bħala infermier tal-ewwel livell kemm f’Malta kif ukoll fl-istati membri kollha tal-UE. Dan jinvolvi l-provvista ta’ kura sigura u effettiva u bbażata fuq l-evidenza u mogħtija b’mod olistiku lill-pazjenti u qraba. L-istudenti se jsegwu minimu ta’ 4600 siegħa fuq perjodu ta’ tliet snin, kif stipulat mid-Direttiva tal-UE 2005/36/KE. Dawn huma maqsuma f’2300 siegħa teoretika u 2300 siegħa ta’ prattika, li l-biċċa l-kbira minnhom isiru fuq placements kliniċi, u huma ssorveljati minn infermiera kwalifikati. L-istudenti se jkunu mgħammra b’sett ta’ ħiliet ibbażati fuq l-evidenza u soft skills li jippermettulhom li jipprattikaw b’mod indipendenti. L-istudenti jridu jkopru s-sigħat kollha meħtieġa u jiksbu pass fit-taqsimiet teoretiċi u prattiċi kollha biex ikunu jistgħu japplikaw għar-reġistrazzjoni mal-Kunsill tal-Infermiera u l-Qwiebel ta’ Malta. Dan il-kors huwa rikonoxxut fl-istati membri kollha tal-UE. L-applikanti jkunu soġġetti għal intervista, kif ukoll ikunu jridu jippreżentaw ċertifikat ta’ skrining tas-saħħa fuq il-post tax-xogħol u ċertifikat ta’ kondotta nadifa tal-pulizija. Dawn id-dokumenti se jservu biex naraw li l-applikanti huma adegwati għall-Infermiera u fl-aħħar mill-aħħar issir l-għażla finali tal-parteċipanti tal-kors.
MQF Level: Level 6
Duration: 3 Years
Entry requirements: MCAST Advanced Diploma in Health Sciences; OR MCAST Advanced Diploma for Pharmacy Technicians; OR MCAST Advanced Diploma in Social Care; OR MCAST Advanced Diploma in Health and Social Care; OR MCAST Advanced Diploma for Dental Surgery Assistants OR 2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes. Preferred A-Levels: Biology, English, Psychology, Sociology, Chemistry Preferred I-Levels: Chemistry, Mathematics, Sociology, English Other Entry Requirements Applicants will be subject to an occupational health screening to establish their suitability for the Placement which is a mandatory part of this programme. Once course would have started, failure to present a successful health screening, will result in not being in a position to go on work placements which will preclude from a successful completion of course. Applicants must also provide evidence of a clean police conduct certificate.
Other entry requirements:
Career opportunities: State registered nurse
Programme details: