Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Data Sciences

Course Title: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Data Sciences
Course Code: IT6-A08-23
Course details
Mode: Face to Face
The degree in Applied Data Sciences is designed for individuals who are interested in utilizing data to solve complex challenges in various fields. With a focus on applied methodology, analytical skills, and hands-on experience, students will learn how to use advanced analytical tools and techniques to uncover hidden trends and patterns that can lead to business success. The programme covers a range of topics related to software engineering, data organization, and data analysis using the latest technologies in business intelligence, reporting, machine learning, and big data. In addition, the degree includes a strong emphasis on text mining and natural language processing (NLP), which are key tools for extracting insights from unstructured data.The program also covers critical thinking skills, building strategies for promoting businesses, understanding consumer behaviour, computational linguistics and the laws governing business processes. A work-based component provides an opportunity for students to gain valuable industry experience and learn from real-world professionals. At the end of the programme, students will undertake a research component in the form of a dissertation. The degree is ideal for individuals who are passionate about leveraging technology to drive business performance and make data-driven decisions.
Il-programm fil-livell ta’ baċellerat f’Applied Data Sciene huwa mfassla għal individwi li huma interessati li jutilizzaw id-data biex isolvu sfidi kumplessi f’diversi oqsma. B’enfasi fuq metodoloġija applikata, ħiliet analitiċi, u esperjenza prattika, l-istudenti se jitgħallmu kif jużaw għodda analitiċi avvanzati biex jikxfu xejriet u mudelli li jistgħu jwasslu għas-suċċess tan-negozju. Il-programm ikopri firxa ta’ suġġetti relatati mal-inġinerija tas-software, l-organizzazzjoni tad-data u l-analiżi tad-data bl-użu tal-aħħar teknoloġija fl-intelliġenza tan-negozju, ir-rappurtar, machine learning u l-big data. Barra minn hekk, il-programm jinkludi enfasi qawwija fuq text mining u l-ipproċessar tal-lingwa naturali (NLP), li huma għodod ewlenin biex ikun hemm analiżi tad-data mhux strutturata. Il-programm ikopri wkoll ħiliet ta’ ħsieb kritiku, bini ta’ strateġiji għall-promozzjoni tan-negozji, studju dwar l-imġiba tal-konsumatur, lingwistika komputazzjonali u l-liġijiet li jirregolaw il-proċessi tan-negozju. Komponent ibbażat fuq ix-xogħol jipprovdi opportunità għall-istudenti biex jiksbu esperjenza siewja fl-industrija u jitgħallmu minn professjonisti fid-dinja tax-xogħol. Fi tmiem il-programm, l-istudenti se jagħmlu ukoll proġett tar-riċerka. Il-kors huwa ideali għal individwi li għandhom passjoni biex jużaw it-teknoloġija biex imexxu l-prestazzjoni tan-negozju u jieħdu deċiżjonijiet ibbażati fuq l-użu tad-data
MQF Level: Level 6
Duration: 3 Years
Entry requirements: MCAST Advanced Diploma in ITorMCAST Advanced Diploma in Business AdministrationorMCAST Advanced Diploma in MarketingorMCAST Advanced Diploma in InsuranceorMCAST Advanced Diploma in Financial ServicesorMCAST Advanced Diploma in Finance and Insuranceor2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passesCompulsory A-Level: Computing or Mathematics or Accounting or Economics or MarketingApplicants with a good working knowledge of Computing, Mathematics and Business related subjects will benefit from a more positive learning experience throughout the courseOther entry requirementsExperience in a programming language would be considered an asset.A sound background in the use of the English Language will be an asset for students to attain the best educational experience.
Other entry requirements:
Career opportunities: Data Analyst, Business Analyst, Data Scientist, Data Engineer*, Machine Learning Engineer*, Big Data Engineer*, Data Architect, Data Mining Engineer*, Data Visualization Specialist*The term Engineer shall not carry or imply the meaning attributed to the term “Engineer” in Article 2 of the Engineering Profession Act (Chapter 321 of the Laws of Malta)
Programme details: