Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Cybersecurity

Course Title: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Cybersecurity
Course Code: IT6-A07-23
Course details
Mode: Face to Face
The Cybersecurity degree is a 3-year programme that provides students with a comprehensive understanding of concepts, techniques, and tools required to secure software applications, computer systems and networks. Students will increase their proficiency in the usage of open source operating systems, network security, database programming, digital forensics, and offensive security. They will also develop practical skills in mitigating cyber threats.The programme includes work-based component, whereby one’s own skills are put to good use by working alongside experienced cybersecurity professionals. Additionally, the programme has a research component, where the student would undertake a dissertation. This applied research will draw on the skills and knowledge gained throughout the course to explore a specific area of cybersecurity in depth.Graduates of this programme will gain sufficient hands-on experience to thrive in the dynamic field of cybersecurity. The expertise acquired will enable them to pursue careers in the cybersecurity sector, including roles such as cybersecurityspecialists, information security analysts, network security engineers, penetration testers, and digital forensic experts alongside others.
Il-programm f’livell ta’ baċellerat f’Cybersecurity huwa kors ta’ 3 snin li jagħti lill-istudenti taħriġ komprensiv ta’ kunċetti, teknika u għodod meħtieġa għas-sigurtà tas-software, sistemi tal-kompjuter u networks. L-istudenti se jżidu l-għarfien tagħhom fl-użu ta’ sistemi open source, is-sigurtà tan-network, l-ipprogrammar tad-databases, il-forensika diġitali, u s-sigurtà offensiva. Se jiżviluppaw ukoll ħiliet prattiċi kontra t-theddid ċibernetiku. Il-programm jinkludi tagħlim ibbażat fuq ix-xogħol, u b’hekk l-istudenti jużaw il-ħiliet tagħhom u jkomplu jikbru billi jaħdmu ma’ professjonisti b’esperjenza fil-qasam tas-sigurtà fid-dinja diġitali. Barra minn hekk, il-programm għandu komponent ta’ riċerka, fejn l-istudent jaħdem fuq proġett ta’ riċerka. F’din ir-riċerka applikata jintużaw il-ħiliet u l-għarfien miksuba tul il-kors u l-istudent jesplora fil-fond qasam fid- speċifiku fil-qasam tas-sigurtà ċibernetika. Il-gradwati ta’ dan il-programm se jiksbu biżżejjed esperjenza prattika biex jirnexxu fil-qasam dinamiku tas-sigurtà ċibernetika. Il-kompetenza miksuba se tippermettilhom isegwu karrieri fis-settur sigurtà fid-dinja diġitali, inklużi rwoli speċjalisti tas-sigurtà ċibernetika, analisti tas-sigurtà tal-informazzjoni, inġiniera tas-sigurtà tan-network, testers, u esperti forensiċi diġitali u iktar
MQF Level: Level 6
Duration: 3 Years
Entry requirements: MCAST Advanced Diploma in ITor2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes Compulsory A-Level: Computing andCompulsory A-Level or I-Level: Mathematics (Pure or Applied) or PhysicsOther entry requirementsA sound background in the use of English Language will be an asset for students to attain the best educational experience
Other entry requirements: ( Qualified Professional Developers interested in a career shift or in upgrading their skillset within the Cybersecurity Sector. ( Students that have completed an Advanced Diploma at MCAST ICT in iGaming / Software Development / Multimedia Software Development. ( Students or individuals from the general public in possession of Mathematical / Scientific / Programming qualifications at Advanced Level.
Career opportunities: Security Engineer *, Security Consultant, Penetration Tester,Network Security Analyst, Cybersecurity Analyst, Security Researcher, Threat Analyst, Malware Analyst, Security Architect*The term Engineer shall not carry or imply the meaning attributed to the term “Engineer” in Article 2 of the Engineering Profession Act (Chapter 321 of the Laws of Malta)
Programme details: