Bachelor of Community-Based Service Provision

Course Title: Bachelor of Community-Based Service Provision
Course Code: CS6-W04-23
Course details
Mode: Face to Face
This programme of studies focuses on how educational institutions in general, and the classroom settings specifically, can become more inclusive to cater for different individual needs. The learners tackle a variety of study units aimed at identifying what barriers exist which may be preventing learners from accessing quality education. The study units also explore innovative techniques of how these barriers can be overcome so that all learners feel valued during compulsory schooling years. This course includes work placement opportunities held once every year aimed at observing good practices in educational settings and developing a mindset of promoting inclusive communities that celebrate diversity and cater for the diverse needs of different groups of learners. The course subjects include child development including main early years theories as well different aspects of learning to allow learners to integrate learning for a cross curricular pedagogy
Dan il-programm ta’ studju jiffoka fuq kif l-istituzzjonijiet edukattivi b’mod ġenerali, u l-ambjenti tal-klassi b’mod speċifiku, jistgħu jsiru aktar inklużivi biex jilħqu ħtiġijiet individwali differenti. L-istudenti tal-baċellerat jittrattaw varjetà ta’ unitajiet ta’ studju li għandhom l-għan li jidentifikaw dawk l-ostakoli li jistgħu jkunu qegħdin iżommu lill-istudenti milli jkollhom aċċess għal edukazzjoni ta’ kwalità. Barra minn hekk, l-unitajiet ta’ studju jesploraw ukoll tekniki innovattivi dwar kif jistgħu jingħelbu dawn l-ostakoli sabiex l-istudenti kollha jħossuhom stmati matul is-snin ta’ edukazzjoni obbligatorja, u possibilment anke wara. Dan il-kors jinkludi opportunitajiet ta’ esperjenza ta’ xogħol immirati biex l-istudenti jiżviluppaw mentalità li tippromwovi komunitajiet inklużivi li jiċċelebraw id-diversità u biex jissodisfaw il-ħtiġijiet diversi ta’ gruppi differenti ta’ studenti. Il-kors jinkludi suġġetti dwar l-iżvilupp tat-tfal u teoriji dwar is-snin bikrin, kif ukoll aspetti biex l-istudenti jintegraw l-aspetti tat-tagħlim fil-pedagoġija kurrikulari, immirati biex l-istudenti jiżviluppaw mentalità li tippromwovi komunitajiet inklużivi li jiċċelebraw id-diversità u biex jissodisfaw il-ħtiġijiet diversi ta’ gruppi differenti ta’ studenti.
MQF Level: Level 6
Duration: 3 Years
Entry requirements: MCAST Advanced Diploma in Children’s Care, Learning and Development or MCAST Advanced Diploma in Health and Social Care orMCAST Advanced Diploma in Social Careor 2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passesCompulsory: One A-Level and one I-Level from Mathematics, English, Maltese, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology
Other entry requirements:
Career opportunities: Learning support educator (LSE)
Programme details: