Expression of Interest – Submission of Academic Papers

The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) launched the MCAST JOURNAL OF Applied Research & Practice in 2018. Besides its printed copies, this peer-reviewed journal is also found online in Index Copernicus International. 

The MCAST JOURNAL OF Applied Research & Practice aims to publish the second special issue, dedicated to “Sport, Exercise & Health” in September 2024. This follows the first issue, which was published in September 2022.

In setting up this special issue within the MCAST peer-reviewed journal, in the attached, we are honoured to cordially invite you to express your interest in submitting your paper. Attached, you may find the Paper Submission Guidelines.


Kindly note that the following timeline applies: 
Friday 14th July 2023      Expression of Interest 
Friday 28th July 2023     Outcome communicated to authors 
Friday 29th September 2023   Submission of Papers 
Friday 22nd December 2023        Submission of Final Paper following Peer Reviewing 
September 2024               Publication 

This expression of interest needs to be no longer than 200 words abstract, following the rules found in the Author Guide (attached). Also include the authors’ names, indicate the corresponding author, and every author’s represented institution.

Download Author Guidelines

Contact us:

Dr Renzo Kerr Cumbo
Senior Lecturer – Institute of Community Services

Dr Matthew Muscat Inglott
Senior Lecturer – Institute of Community Services