Ukraine Statement of Support

March 2, 2022 Communications

The world is once again witnessing a horrific war in Europe. Our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine. These are deeply troubling times, and we cannot remain silent in the face of aggression and assault on the core values of Europe and its peoples. It is a time when our community needs to come together to express solidarity with all those suffering from an assault on the principles of sovereignty, democracy and freedom.

As a College, our immediate response was to reach out to the Ukrainian students who were impacted directly. I have met some of these students and assured them of the College’s commitment to offering our full support and practical help with anything they or their families need.

Our staff at the Well-Being Hub offer counselling services and are here to help if members of our community have been affected by these events in any way. We encourage our staff and students to come together and support each other in such distressing times as we look to the future with hope for peace.

The MCAST Chaplaincy has also appealed for donations to support the Salesians in Ukraine trying to move all children to safe neighbouring countries.

We are liaising with the Ukrainian Community in Malta to see how we can best support at this time. Currently, the priority is to sort out the many donations received. Any staff members and student members who would like to volunteer to help out with the sorting at the stations can send an email to

I am incredibly grateful to all the staff members and students who have been in touch over the past few days to ask how they can help. In such times, the spirit of a community college matters.


Professor Joachim James Calleja

Principal and CEO