KSM and MCAST representatives meet with Minister for Education

June 3, 2024 Communications

MCAST student representatives from Kunsill Studenti MCAST, MCAST Board of Governors and MCAST Vocational & Professional Council met with Hon Clifton Grima MP, Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research & Innovation at the Main Campus in Paola on Friday

The urgent meeting was called to discuss how the trade dispute between the Government and MUT is impacting students especially at the end of the academic year.

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The student representatives explained how students are passing through an increased amount of stress and were concerned about the repercussions which will continue to be felt if an agreement is not reached shortly. The Minister assured the students that all parties are working actively to reach an agreement, and that meetings are ongoing with the MUT.

The meeting was also attended by the Principal/CEO of the College Professor James Calleja and Mr Horace Laudi, Policy Consultant of the Ministry for Education. Minister Clifton Grima also took part in a meeting of the Board of Governors which took place yesterday afternoon chaired by Professor Ian Refalo in which he discussed the situation concerning negotiations with MUT and the measures that the College is taking to ensure that students are supported in this final phase of their academic year.