MCAST urges industry to have more apprenticeship opportunities

April 29, 2024 Communications

MCAST is calling on industry leaders to provide more workplace learning opportunities to students. With a shortage of apprenticeship vacancies, MCAST urged employers to take on 800 students who must complete an apprenticeship as part of their course requirements. This year, around 1364 students are currently on an apprenticeship agreement with over 498 companies. While the retention rate of apprentices is an encouraging 80%, more openings are needed.

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These challenges were discussed during a business breakfast for stakeholders on campus in Paola on 29 April. The central theme was the importance of investing in local talent and the need for more companies to participate in the apprenticeship scheme. The event is part of the Encounter: MCAST meets industry series supported by the Ministry of Education.

Several key speakers from various local entities, including the Malta Chamber,  the Malta Chamber of SMEs, the Malta Employers’ Association, JobsPlus, and the Gozo Business Chamber, participated in a panel discussion held during the event.

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MCAST Principal and CEO Professor Joachim James Calleja said, “As a vocational college, work-based learning is at the heart of our work. Our college offers over 50 programmes that cater to 27 sectors and include an apprenticeship component. We need industry support so that together, we can prepare our youth for the world of work with technical skills, life skills, and valuable learning experiences.”

This event served as the perfect platform to enable fruitful discussions and insights into the future of apprenticeship programmes. Several key topics were discussed during the event, including revision and improvement of the apprenticeship scheme policy, the importance of mentorship and discussions on required updates to the current apprenticeship legislation. Employer representatives encouraged MCAST to increase outreach initiatives at the micro level while also emphasising that MCAST should be a key player in employment and skills policy at national level.

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Deputy Principal Ing. Pierre Dalmas said, “MCAST recognises that different students learn in different ways, and this is why apprenticeships are one of the values the College is built upon. An apprenticeship provides a win-win situation for the student to learn on the job and for the employer to develop a highly skilled workforce. Our target is to continue offering such opportunities for apprentice recruitment.”

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Dr Romina Borg, Director of Apprenticeships and Workplace Learning, presented the current apprenticeship scheme. She said that despite the surplus of jobs and the skills shortage, there is still a discrepancy in apprenticeship take-up. MCAST is asking industry leaders to work with educators to tackle the stumbling blocks preventing students from pursuing apprenticeships.

Apprenticeships play a pivotal role within the vocational education and training system that MCAST endorses, providing students with an opportunity to gain hands-on industry expertise crucial for success in their future careers within diverse industries.

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The College remains committed to supporting employers in understanding the value of apprenticeships, how such an experience can be truly profitable for their companies in the long run, and how individual apprentices can add value to the business.

Companies interested in the MCAST Apprenticeship Scheme can contact the College’s Apprenticeships and Work-Based Learning Department at to learn more about the scheme and registration criteria.