Charting the Future: Innovation for Carbon-Neutral Islands in Europe

November 27, 2023 Communications

Together, Malta and Cyprus are stepping up their research and innovation (R&I) efforts to fulfill their energy and climate targets with the support of the EU-funded Mediterranean Island Cleantech Innovation Ecosystem (MICIE) project. Within this framework, the consortium invites you to participate in the discussion on boosting R&I to decarbonize the Mediterranean islands, with a special emphasis on the islands of Cyprus and Malta. The event will take place on November 28, 2023, from 8:30 to 14:00 CET, at the EIT House in Brussels.


The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) is a prominent participant in the MICIE project, launched in June 2022, which aims to align research and innovation (R&I) with the climate and energy targets outlined in the National Energy and Climate Plans of Cyprus and Malta. MCAST has played a crucial role as the manager of EIT Climate-KIC RIS HUB Malta, facilitating innovative actions to address climate challenges and meet energy targets. This leadership positions Malta as a key contributor to the broader European agenda for a sustainable and carbon-neutral future. MCAST’s involvement extends to utilizing systems mapping tools to support Evidence-Based Policymaking within the MICIE project, offering a case study for effective R&I Action Plan development tailored to Malta. Through these initiatives, MCAST actively demonstrates its commitment to advancing research, innovation, and collaborative solutions, contributing significantly to the strengthening of Malta’s Climate Innovation ecosystem.

In the realm of Research & Innovation (R&I), the MICIE project exemplifies the cornerstone of progress, shaping a world that is not only sustainable, but grows in the face of climate and energy challenges. In this era of accelerating environmental transformation, R&I becomes the guiding light, illuminating the path towards a carbon-neutral future.

Within the framework of National Energy and Climate Action Plans (NECPs), European countries are bolstering their commitment to this carbon-neutral future. The plans are the roadmap towards a cleaner, greener, and more prosperous Europe, and R&I is the engine that powers their success. It propels forward a new era of energy efficiency, renewable energy technologies, and environmental preservation, making these targets not just aspirational, but genuinely attainable.

For more information about the MICIE project, please visit this website:

For further inquiries please contact:

Event Details:

Date: November 28, 2023

Time: 8:30 to 14:00 CET

Venue: EIT House, Brussels

Event Link: