Outlining the importance of Apprenticeships to Students and the Industry

November 14, 2023 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) as part of the ‘Encounter – MCAST Meets the Industry’ series held a conference titled, Quality Apprenticeship – Are We There? to discuss the importance of apprenticeships to students, employers, and the local industry.

Industry partners, key international speakers, students, and academics from diverse fields of study attended the conference. The event acted as a platform whereby different stakeholders came together to reflect on the current practices governing local apprenticeships and propose new takes aimed at improving the apprenticeship experience for students.


The need for more industry partners to provide students with apprenticeship opportunities was highlighted by MCAST Principal and CEO Professor Joachim James Calleja who stated, “We need the support of industry so that together we can prepare our youth for the world of work not only with technical skills but with the skills for life and valuable learning experiences. Our vocational educational system proves to be successful every year. We can proudly say that last year 92% of our alumni found employment within their respective fields of study immediately after graduating. Apprenticeships play a crucial role in this success.”

During the conference, the College also launched an award scheme for industry partners who have been instrumental in ensuring quality apprenticeships for the MCAST students.


While addressing the audience during the event, MCAST Deputy Principal of Quality Assurance and Student Academic Management Ing. Pierre Dalmas said, “Currently, MCAST has established partnerships with over 2,388 companies but more opportunities for students are needed. We want to support employers in understanding the value of apprenticeships, how such experience can be in the long-run truly profitable for the company, and how individual apprentices can add value to the business itself.”


While participating in a panel discussion moderated by MCAST Strategy Implementation Office Director Edel Cassar, MCAST students currently following apprenticeship programs explained, how apprenticeships are providing them with the chance to gain valuable skills, helping them increase networking opportunities, and providing them with a solid chance to secure highly successful careers.


Speaking during the conference, MCAST Director for Education and Training Programmes and Learning Support, Ramon Mangion explained, “Apprenticeships are important for several reasons. They provide a way for employers to recruit and develop a highly-skilled workforce that helps grow their business. Moreover, they offer students a combination of academic and technical instruction with paid work experience across various sectors, providing them with hands-on career training and improved skills and competencies.”

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During the conference, guest international speakers Carina Oliveira, Paivi Korhonen, and Maarten Thiry, also gave presentations on the growing influence of apprenticeships and how different European Colleges are leveraging this tool to better prepare students for the world of employment in highly competitive industries.


In 2018, Malta enacted a new law to support work-based learning. The ‘Work-based Learning and Apprenticeship Act’ aims to strengthen work-based learning and apprenticeship through definitions and operational parameters for work placements, apprenticeships, and internships. It also outlines responsibilities and governance structures, while defining rights and obligations for VET providers, employers, and learners.

In January 2024 MCAST will be holding an apprenticeship recruitment event on campus in Paola. Interested parties can contact the College’s Apprenticeships Department via this email address: apprenticeships@mcast.edu.mt to gain more information and participation criteria.