Business Career Expo held at MCAST

March 29, 2023 Communications

MCAST’s Institute of Business Management, and Commerce (IBMC) is organising the second edition of the ‘Business Career Expo’, a two-day event focusing on career paths related to the business world.

President of Malta George Vella visited the expo on Wednesday, 29 March. College Principal and CEO, Prof Joachim James Calleja, welcomed and accompanied the President as he met staff and students. More than 8,000 euros collected from this event were donated to the Malta Community Chest Fund.

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The Business Career Expo is intended to bring industry partners closer and benefit from the opportunity to meet the College’s students in their academic environment. Nineteen industry partners in different industrial business settings participated in the career expo.

During the expo, students following business-related courses at the College could meet and discuss future opportunities with industry partners, providing them with the perfect networking session.

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The College makes every effort to ensure that its students understand the importance of the business world. Institute director Andrew Galea explained, “The IBMC regularly organises networking events, programme reviews with industry partners, job exposures within its courses, and real-life cases within the lectures. This is part of the College’s industry-on-campus approach that prepares all students for employment and, more importantly, with the right soft skills required. We are grateful for the constant support received from industry.”

The IBMC currently has over 1 200 students attending full-time courses. The Institute offers programmes in management, marketing, accountancy, finance, and other business-related subjects ranging from entry-level up to Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree courses.

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The main partner in this event was Supercharger Ventures Ltd – an international EdTech accelerator company supporting Education Institutions by partnering with leading Universities worldwide to be able to promote innovation within Education.