MCAST Seminar for Nurse Clinical Mentors

February 15, 2023 Communications

The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST) held a Seminar for nurse clinical mentors on campus in Paola.

Clinical nurses currently employed at the College, lecturers, and prospective mentors attended the event.


During the seminar, a number of panel discussions with key stakeholders within this industry were held.

Clinical mentors share a vital responsibility in undergraduate nursing education because they act as gatekeepers to the profession and safeguard ongoing excellence in the delivery of patient-centered care whilst making a significant contribution to the future development of the nursing profession.


The seminar provided useful knowledge and information to practitioners which will help boost the BSc Nursing course offered at the College by helping clinical mentors carry out their roles more effectively and ensuring that a high-quality learning experience is provided to all nursing students.

The seminar also served to strengthen the relationship between nursing academic staff and industry-practicing clinical mentors.

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