Research Fellowship Scheme

[mvc_advanced_button align=”center” caption_url=”” caption_urls=”” caption_urlss=”” btn_icon=”fas fa-file” btn_bg=”#000043″][mvc_advanced_button align=”center” caption_url=”” caption_urls=”” caption_urlss=”” btn_icon=”fas fa-file” btn_bg=”#000043″] MCAST Part-time Research Fellowship Scheme 2024 is NOW OPEN! The Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth,…

Graduation Photography

Graduation ceremony photos are only available direct from Photos are viewable and available to order once uploaded on the photographer’s website. To order graduation photos, go to and


  For Full-Time Application procedures please click here Classter is the MCAST CMIS, and is available at the below link. It is your first point of contact for results, assignment…

Who Can Submit

Who can submit a New Application (Form A) ? Either: Someone who up to June 2024 was not attending a full-time course at MCAST; Or: An MCAST student who completely…

Fee & Payments for non EU Candidates

Download full-time fee structure 2024 – 2025 for non-EU candidates Studying abroad can be a big financial commitment. Here we provide you with information to make your journey with us…