
…the first time the investigation of the cold-welding phenomenon for use in spacecraft hull repair following a hypervelocity impact by space debris. An experimental test rig will be tested and

Important Information

…are currently active and registered, for academic year ending June/July 2024 in view of new Academic year starting October 2024. Download – General Communication on Mitigation Measures Set of Frequently…

How to Apply Online

Form A (new) – Applicants already residing in Malta with an EID – Window open till Wednesday 14th August 2024″ btn_block=”btn_block” google_fonts=”font_family:Montserrat%3Aregular%2C700|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” btn_icon=”fas fa-edit” btn_clr=”#ffffff” btn_bg=”#0075d6″ btn_hvrclr=”#000043″ btn_hvrbg=”#ffffff” btn_url=”|target:_blank”] [mvc_advanced_button…

Form A Full-Time Applicants

…button and click on it. AnyDesk for Windows: AnyDesk for MAC OS: The contact centre agent at the other end of the phone line, will guide you further…

Online Support

…click on one of the following URLs – which suits you best – go to the green download button and click on it. AnyDesk for Windows: AnyDesk for MAC…