Obtain My E-ID

From where do I obtain my E-ID credentials (even if I have forgotten these) linked to my Maltese ID Document ? Should you require any assistance in obtaining your E-ID…

ICA Festival

…acquired skill-sets combined with each student’s personality result in individual differences and diversity that are critical to any organisation’s success in today’s competitive world. The MCAST ICA Festival started three…

EURASHE Statement on European Universities

…share our messages: https://twitter.com/EURASHE/status/1191775699742445568 https://www.facebook.com/EURASHE/photos/a.146337348813577/2733179010129385/?type=3&av=146286552151990&eav=AfYRbFSUVJcR8oJ7PAH9Y4NvvhIGIdYTItulX1Jw9hbCujhzlZFEhwA3nsEl9TI-4lc&theater https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6597773101121970176/ Also, tomorrow the European Commission is organising an information session on the 2nd Call which you can follow online here. Our President Stéphane Lauwick…

Full-Time Programmes

…Please click on one of the institutes below to see courses. You may also refer to the prospectus on the front page or click here to download your copy.  …