Institute of Applied Sciences |
Course Title: Advanced Diploma in Applied Science |
Course Code: AS4-A2-21 |
ECTS: 120 ECTS |
Course details |
Mode: Apprenticeship |
This programme of study is aimed at learners who wish to embark on a scientific career in a range of industries such as petrochemical, life sciences, health, pharmaceutics and the environment. The programme of study contains a wide range of science and technology study units that reflect aspects of employment within relevant industries. The learners will appreciate how the fundamental principles of science relate to the technological operations of the workplace. They will develop the necessary skills to work in a laboratory environment within the manufacturing industry, and to apply basic principles within the workplace. |
Dan il-programm ta’ studju huwa mmirat lejn studenti li jixtiequ jibdew karriera xjentifika f’firxa ta’ industriji bħal dawk relatati mal-petrokimika, ix-xjenzi tal-ħajja, is-saħħa, il-farmaċewtika u l-ambjent. Il-programm ta’ studju jinkludi firxa wiesgħa ta’ unitajiet ta’ studju fix-xjenza u t-teknoloġija li jirriflettu aspetti tal-impjiegi f’industriji rilevanti. L-istudenti jirrikonoxxu kif il-prinċipji fundamentali tax-xjenza jirrelataw mal-operat teknoloġiku tal-post tax-xogħol. Huma jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet neċessarji biex jaħdmu f’ambjent ta’ laboratorju fl-industrija tal-manifattura, u biex japplikaw il-prinċipji bażiċi fil-post tax-xogħol. |
MQF Level: 4 |
Duration: 2 Years Full-time |
Entry requirements: MCAST Diploma in Applied Science or Any MCAST Level 3 Diploma, whilst being in possession of the compulsory subjects as indicated hereunder or 4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes from the following list: English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Design and Technology, Health and Social Care |
Other entry requirements: – |
Career opportunities: Laboratory analyst, Laboratory technologist |
Programme details: |
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