Karmaġenn u Chewing Productions (Teatru/Mużika)
Ħames snin wara l-ewwel album ta’ Karmaġenn, erġajna tajna l-ħajja lill-istorja ta’ Naomi, Kaldon, Jeanelle, Jamie u Warren. L-album indaqq live, addattat u mżewwaq permezz tal-atturi li rrakkuntaw u fetħu l-istorja b’materjal ġdid.
🎸 Noah Fabri: kitarra, keys u vuċi
🎹 Maya Aarohi: keys u vuċi
🥁 Michael Vella Zarb: drums
🎸 Samwel Mallia: baxx
🎸 Zack Camilleri: kitarra
Noah: Direzzjoni Mużikali
Alex Weenink: Direzzjoni tal-Palk
Kaylie Magri: Naomi
Miguel Formosa Warren/Kaldon
Sara Gauci Jeanelle/Jamie
Karmaġenn & Chewing Productions (Theatre/Music)
Five years after Karmaġenn’s first album, we revived the story of Naomi, Kaldon, Jeanelle, Jamie, and Warren. The album was played live, adapted and enhanced by the actors who narrated and opened the story with new material.
🎸 Noah Fabri: guitar, keys and voice
🎹 Maya Aarohi: keys & voice
🥁 Michael Vella Zarb: drums
🎸 Samwel Mallia: bass
🎸 Zack Camilleri: guitar
Noah: Musical Direction
Alex Weenink: Stage Direction
Kaylie Magri: Naomi
Miguel Formosa Warren/Kaldon
Sara Gauci Jeanelle/Jamie
Pjattaforma ta’ animazzjoni ta’ films qosra animati minn animaturi bbażati f’Malta, li jkopru ġeneri differenti ta’ animazzjoni. Dan l-avveniment inkluda wkoll għażla ta’ xogħlijiet tal-istudenti tal-istudenti tal-Istitut għall-Arti Kreattiva.
The Nubes: Blaze Productions
Nannu u Danni: Rupture
The Dream of Goddess: Alfie Alpha
Get Up and Run: Bark Bark Disco
Tabogo: Dario Cervantes D.C.
Xogħlijiet tal-istudenta tal-MCAST Institute for the Creative Arts
An animation showcase of different short, animated movies from Malta-based animators, covering various animation genres. This event also included a selection of works from MCAST ICA Students.
The Nubes: Blaze Productions
Nannu and Danni: Rupture
The Dream of Goddess: Alfie Alpha
Get Up and Run: Bark Bark Disco
Tabogo: Dario Cervantes D.C.
Work by MCAST Institute for the Creative Arts
Fl-aħħar lejl ta' KampuSajf, Mariele Zammit Kwartett qasmu magħna l-wirt mużikali divers ta’ pajjiżna.
Mariele Zammit (vuċi)
Warren Galea (kitarra)
Oliver Degabriele (baxx)
Ġużè Camilleri (drums)
During the final night of KampuSajf, we enjoyed the Mariele Zammit Kwartett as they shared Malta’s diverse musical heritage.
Mariele Zammit (voice)
Warren Galea (guitar)
Oliver Degabriele (bass)
Ġużè Camilleri (drums)
The AMBULANT project aims to develop a dynamic monitoring system of deep-water cages through the implementation of a submersible biomimetic robot carrier to mediate environmental monitoring in fish farms. The organisation of this half-day event to cumulated the research outcomes of the project, as the project comes to an end.
Smartpol Consortium Meeting - Status update and discussion/planning of the way forward. Partners will be coming from Turkey, South Africa, Romania and Malta.