Pjattaforma ta’ animazzjoni ta’ films qosra animati minn animaturi bbażati f’Malta, li jkopru ġeneri differenti ta’ animazzjoni. Dan l-avveniment inkluda wkoll għażla ta’ xogħlijiet tal-istudenti tal-istudenti tal-Istitut għall-Arti Kreattiva.
The Nubes: Blaze Productions
Nannu u Danni: Rupture
The Dream of Goddess: Alfie Alpha
Get Up and Run: Bark Bark Disco
Tabogo: Dario Cervantes D.C.
Xogħlijiet tal-istudenta tal-MCAST Institute for the Creative Arts
An animation showcase of different short, animated movies from Malta-based animators, covering various animation genres. This event also included a selection of works from MCAST ICA Students.
The Nubes: Blaze Productions
Nannu and Danni: Rupture
The Dream of Goddess: Alfie Alpha
Get Up and Run: Bark Bark Disco
Tabogo: Dario Cervantes D.C.
Work by MCAST Institute for the Creative Arts