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Id-Dizzjunarju tal-Maħbubin hija performance multidixxiplinarja bbażata fuq “Il-Mara tas-Suldat” ippubblikata għall-ewwel darba fuq Aphroconfuso. Din il-performance maħluqa minn KLONN, Hearts Beating In Time u Martina Georgina, tesplora r-relazzjonijiet kumplessi bejn l-imħabba u x-xewqa u l-fluwidità tal-iskoperta personali u l-identità. L-artisti jilagħbu bi xbihat bħal ta’ kupidu li jiżvelaw il-ġlieda bejn il-moħħ u l-qalb.
Dizzjunarju tal-Maħbubin is a multidisciplinary performance based on “Il-Mara tas-Suldat” published for the first time on Aphroconfuso.
This collective performance created by KLONN, Hearts Beating In Time and Martina Georgina navigates the intricate relationships between love and desire and the fluidity of self-discovery and identity. The performers play with cupid-like imagery revealing the reconciling struggles of the mind with matters of the heart.